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Eddie Waller

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Posts posted by Eddie Waller

  1. Hello,


    Everynow and then something happens that causes my loop to crash and the program (or Windows 7) generates some information related to the crash. Can I paste that information here to help out with debugging?


    We get the important information from all crash reports sent to us, so you don't need to post it here as well. If you are having issues with a certain bot though, feel free to explain what you're doing and what part of it specifically is not working.

  2. Hey,


    Today I was trying to set variable with "$eval('{1}'.replace('a','b');" (which worked in v3), and I noticed I am not able to include {1} (input string). I tried running code bellow in Ubot v4, but it only returns "eest", without time.


    $eval("\'test{#Variable}\'.replace(\'t\',\'e\');"), "Global"


    Any ideas what I am doing wrong?


    This seems to work fine for me:


    set(#Variable, "cat in the hat", "Global")
    set(#Result, $eval("\'test{#Variable}\'.replace(\'t\',\'e\');"), "Global")

    Keep in mind that javascript replace only replaces the first match when used like that, so i get:


    eestcat in the hat




    Hope that helps.

  3. Is it possible to preload the text box variable value by reading a file, like it was in v3.5?

    I have been trying to do this, but have not been successful so far in v4.


    Could you elaborate on what you are trying to do? Are you talking about in the ui html panel? If you show how you would do it in v3 I can explain better if and how it is possible to do what you want :).

  4. The code is javascript, so you'll have to use an onclick attribute or set it up with javascript.


    Here's a couple examples:




    This requires you to use a define command to define a command named "my custom command".


    <input type="button" value="custom stuff" onclick="ubot.runScript('my custom command()')">


    define my custom command {
       navigate("wallerdev.com", "Wait")


    More complex:


    <input id="coolbutton" type="button" value="Google It">
    document.getElementById('coolbutton').onclick = function() {

  5. Hi Eddie, I tried to do this but it's still not loading it into a variable for me. Can you please provide a working example of this? I am trying to preload vaules using the "$read file" function.


    Sure, here's an example


    ui html panel("<input type=\"text\" value=\"my text\" variable=\"#var1\">", 45)


    When you load that bot the variable #var1 should be set to "my text".

  6. Ok i m using simple proxy scraping and sometimes it scrapes proxies and soemtimes it doesnt. Now i dont understand why.


    Here is a code:

    clear cookies
    change proxy("None")
    set user agent("Googlebot")
    navigate("http://www.samair.ru/proxy/time-01.htm", "Wait")
    clear list(%proxy)
    add list to list(%proxy, $scrape attribute(<outerhtml=w"<td>*<script type=\"text/javascript\">document.write(\":\"+o+j)</script>*</td>">, "innertext"), "Delete", "Global")
    save to file("D:\\Program Files\\UBot\\UBot\\Ubot\\proxy.txt", %proxy)
    set list position(%proxy, 0)


    You'll need to find a better way of scraping the proxies. When I load the page I get:

    <td><script type="text/javascript">document.write(":"+m+s+y+x)</script>:3128</td>


    This doesn't match your document.write part, which is why nothing is found.


    You could try replacing what's in document.write with *.


    Please try to keep problems like this out of the bug reports topic, as this topic is for bugs with UBot Studio.


    Thanks :)

  7. For some reason my bot has an error in it's code after I loaded it back into UBot.


    Here's the code...


    define Create Yahoo {
       reset account("Any")
       clear cookies
       navigate("http://www.yahoo.com/", "Wait")
       click(<innertext="Sign Up">, "Left Click", "No")
       wait for browser event("DOM Ready", "")
       type text(<first name field>, $account data("First Name"), "Standard")
       type text(<name="secondname">, $account data("Last Name"), "Standard")
       change dropdown(<sex dropdown>, "Random")
       change dropdown(<name="mm">, "Random")
       type text(<name="dd">, $account data("Birth Day"), "Standard")
       type text(<name="yyyy">, $account data("Birth Year"), "Standard")
       type text(<name="postalcode">, $account data("Zip Code"), "Standard")
       type text(<name="yahooid">, $account data("Username"), "Standard")
       click(<id="yidHelperBtn">, "Left Click", "No")
       if($search page("This ID is not available")) {
           then {
               click(<image=___IMAGE___1___IMAGE___>, "Left Click", "No")
           else {
       type text($element offset(<password field>, 0), $account data("Password"), "Standard")
       type text($element offset(<password field>, 1), $account data("Password"), "Standard")
       change dropdown(<name="secquestion">, "Random")
       type text(<name="secquestionanswer">, "{$account data("City")} {$account data("State")}", "Standard")
       change dropdown(<name="secquestion2">, "Random")
       type text(<name="captchaAnswer">, , "Standard")
       type text(<name="secquestionanswer2">, "{$account data("State Abbreviation")}{$account data("County")}", "Standard")
       type text(<name="captchaAnswer">, $solve captcha($element offset(<id="captchaV5ClassicCaptchaImg">, 0)), "Standard")
       click(<name="IAgreeBtn">, "Left Click", "No")
       wait for browser event("DOM Ready", "")
    Create Yahoo()


    I don't see anything wrong, but then again I'm just looking at syntax not actual commands or anything.


    By the way, this was done 100% in node view, but won't bring it back there when I try to switch over.


    It's possible you saved it while you were editing which can cause parameters to be missing in the saved file.


    It looks like there's an issue on line 29 where you have


    type text(<name="captchaAnswer">, , "Standard")


    Nothing is filled in for the text for captchaAnswer, adding in "answer" after the first comma will get you back into code view.


    define Create Yahoo {
       reset account("Any")
       clear cookies
       navigate("http://www.yahoo.com/", "Wait")
       click(<innertext="Sign Up">, "Left Click", "No")
       wait for browser event("DOM Ready", "")
       type text(<first name field>, $account data("First Name"), "Standard")
       type text(<name="secondname">, $account data("Last Name"), "Standard")
       change dropdown(<sex dropdown>, "Random")
       change dropdown(<name="mm">, "Random")
       type text(<name="dd">, $account data("Birth Day"), "Standard")
       type text(<name="yyyy">, $account data("Birth Year"), "Standard")
       type text(<name="postalcode">, $account data("Zip Code"), "Standard")
       type text(<name="yahooid">, $account data("Username"), "Standard")
       click(<id="yidHelperBtn">, "Left Click", "No")
       if($search page("This ID is not available")) {
           then {
               click(<image=___IMAGE___1___IMAGE___>, "Left Click", "No")
           else {
       type text($element offset(<password field>, 0), $account data("Password"), "Standard")
       type text($element offset(<password field>, 1), $account data("Password"), "Standard")
       change dropdown(<name="secquestion">, "Random")
       type text(<name="secquestionanswer">, "{$account data("City")} {$account data("State")}", "Standard")
       change dropdown(<name="secquestion2">, "Random")
       type text(<name="captchaAnswer">, "answer", "Standard")
       type text(<name="secquestionanswer2">, "{$account data("State Abbreviation")}{$account data("County")}", "Standard")
       type text(<name="captchaAnswer">, $solve captcha($element offset(<id="captchaV5ClassicCaptchaImg">, 0)), "Standard")
       click(<name="IAgreeBtn">, "Left Click", "No")
       wait for browser event("DOM Ready", "")
    Create Yahoo()

  8. My bad! - I changed the code when I pasted it into the original post and didn't think it was functioning because I didn't know Javascript Alerts aren't functioning. Is there a list somewhere of disabled components and features? It's pretty time consuming to try stuff only to discover that it's disabled and not currently functional.


    With the proper qualifier of "="


    Any type of popups from the browser are currently disabled, such as browser popups, javascript alerts, javascript confirms, and javascript prompts.

  9. If I sent you the bot would you be able to look at it and see for yourself? I got some advice from a fellow ubotter that I should use 3.5 for this because 4.0 is just not able to right now. It's fine, but I really like working in 4.0, couldn't really stand 3.5 just used it when I had to, but 4.0 is so much easier for me to work with.


    It looks like from your code it's trying to open a popup window which is blocked by UBot. If you want to send me the bot I can take a look at it and see what you can do.

  10. I bet I am doing it wrong then. In 4.0.49, for hotmail, I drag the form element to create a node, then drop on the account type. Actually, since we now have code view, here is the code, it should be easy to spot what I am doing wrong:


    set table cell(&hotmail, 0, 0, $account data("Username"))
    set table cell(&hotmail, 0, 1, $account data("Password"))
    type text(<name="imembernamelive">, $table cell(&hotmail, 0, 0), "Standard")
    type text(<name="iPwd">, $table cell(&hotmail, 0, 1), "Standard")
    type text(<name="iRetypePwd">, $table cell(&hotmail, 0, 1), "Standard")
    type text(<email field>, $account data("Email"), "Standard")
    type text(<first name field>, $account data("First Name"), "Standard")
    type text(<last name field>, $account data("Last Name"), "Standard")
    change dropdown(<name="iRegion">, "Random")
    type text(<zip code field>, $account data("Zip Code"), "Standard")
    click(<id="iGenderMale">, "Left Click", "No")
    type text(<birthday field>, $account data("Birth Year"), "Standard")


    It looks like you are choosing a random state from the dropdown, instead of picking a state based on what is in $account data("State"). $account data("State") will match with $account data("Zip Code"). It won't match based on a dropdown that you filled randomly.

  11. Right, but will the same referencing also work on the replace regex command? I think this was the main point of his/my request.


    to replace adjhfkasdh(.*?)sdfgsdfg with \1


    Ah, good point :). Yes it will work just fine.


    You'll need to use $1, $2, etc to reference the groups in the replacement value.


    For example in yours you would do:



    set(#result, $replace regular expression("adjhfkasdhhello worldsdfgsdfg", "adjhfkasdh(.*?)sdfgsdfg", "$1"), "Global")


    And here's a screenshot:




    Hope that helps :)

    • Like 1
  12. Any advice on this issue, where a ransom state and a ransom zip are used, obviously they don't match up. How do you overcome this if the form checks to see if the zip is in the state selected?


    They should always match up, if they're not matching for you can you give an example? As long as you're not resetting the account data in between requesting state, zip, county, etc, they should all correspond with each other.

  13. I was just realizing something.


    Now that ubot has included UI buttons within compiled bots, I can't help but think it's only necessary that the

    run, pause and stop functions on the compiled bots should be OPTIONAL.


    At this point, since I've got buttons in one of my bots I decided to work on, there's absolutely no need for the run, pause and stop functions that come by default.


    What is your opinion on these default functions becoming 'optional' at this point? Especially for the dev/pro versions anyway. Heck, I could even create my own 'run' - 'pause' and 'stop' buttons with the new UI element.


    Definitely something we want to do in the future :). We'd like the UI to be completely customizable, especially in the dev version. That's one reason why we have ui buttons.

    • Like 2
  14. Would it be possible to add Country (not County) to the types of data accessible in $account ? There are actually countries that are NOT US. :)

    (and I assume that you use the FakeNameGenerator.com (FNG) service to generate this and country is part of their service)


    In fact it would be best if when doing a Reset Account that it was possible to chose the NameSet too (see FNG), e.g. American, German, French, Swedish and so on.


    We're not using fake name generator, and I'm not sure if we'll be able to provide this feature as it can get pretty complicated. For now I'd recommend using fake name generator yourself if you need data for different countries.

  15. Just to clarify, if we haven't implemented a feature yet, it doesn't mean we've taken it off the table, especially with UBot 4.


    There are some ideas that don't fit with what we feel UBot should do, but UBot is changing all the time. Something that might have seemed like a bad fit a few months ago, might seem useful now.


    Anyway, I think this could be a useful feature, and if implemented would probably only be available in the developer license.


    As far as hiding specific URLs, the best way to do this now is using in new browser and setting the visibility to invisible.

  16. I am using 4.0.48 and an trying to build a bot. Essentially the bot logs into a website, and needs to download a file. When I get to what I want to download there is a view option and a download option. When I drag the download option to create a new node, the code it grabs is:


    <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="openWin('/semail/views/view_file.jsp?mailId=0&index=0&ext=html&action=download')">Download</a>


    When I run the node, nothing happens. When I click manually in ubot, nothing happens. Same goes for when I click on the view option. Any advice would be supper appreciated.




    Could you post the site you're having issues on?

  17. please remove escape codes from code view, it makes things so different to deal with and extremely frustrating.


    If for example, I store wen't in a variable,in code view this becomes wen/'t which when dealing with regular expressions becomes a nightmare and generally frustrating for everything else.


    What do you propose instead of using escape codes? Although I agree they're unnecessary with apostrophes since we don't have single quoted strings anymore, they're still necessary for escaping other things.

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