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Eddie Waller

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Posts posted by Eddie Waller

  1. I've literally never been so frustrated/maddened as I am daily, at trying to get any task to behave w/ UBot and multithreading (or not depending) combined w/ anything that loads pages w/ flash/css, or anything that downloads will crash Ubot 100% of the time - all the time w/ the PurVirtual error that is some other guys fault.


    I see no one bitching in the Awseomenium forums about the library doing that. They are also at an Alpha 1.7 release, I wish to god someone would give me an option to try that and see if it helps. I tried to replace it - but Ubot is smart and version checks for the exact version.




    The pure virtual function call error I have reported to Awesomium as a private conversation. I was able to reproduce the issue and narrowed it down to a specific call to awesomium's library. It doesn't seem to happen every time the function is called. I believe it is a timing issue where two things are happening at the same time when it errors.


    As far as using Awesomium's 1.7 alpha release, I have tested it but the release is incomplete, so a lot of functions (including the ones necessary to reproduce this error) don't work. So I can't say for sure whether it is fixed in Awesomium 1.7 or not yet.


    As far as the advice on fixing pure virtual function calls, we don't use any virtual functions or pure virtual functions in any of our C++ code, and if you use Spy++ you can trace the messagebox that pops up to Awesomium's browser and not our c++ code.


    I'm sorry you're having issues with threading, I can't give much advice on variables being the wrong values without seeing your code, sorry if I've already looked at it, I do look at a lot of bots and forget who has submitted what bots to support.


    Hope that helps clear some things up.

  2. I figured it was enabled,cause it works in UBot 3.

    As for running it no, JavaScript works in 4.

    It doesn't matter what JavaScript I use it will not work.

    I wanted to know why that is and if anyone has this problem.


    Here's an example of javascript working in UBot 4.


    navigate("http://www.facebook.com/", "Wait")
    run javascript("document.getElementById(\'firstname\').value = \"Hello\"")

    • Like 1
  3. yes, I did use the alerts, and it works

    How do I enable the JavaScript in UBot 4?

    Or there is no way to do it?

    Right now I am stuck at coping the text to the clipboard.

    I need a way to copy the text that I saved to the clipboard to

    paste it to in another site, but I don't want to do it by right clicking.

    I am looking it to this NirCmd I found, but I was going to try to find some java code.

    thanks for the help though, I appreciate it very much

    Speak soon, Beage


    Javascript is enabled in UBot 4 by default. There is nothing special you need to do. The alert command will not show you anything because we automatically close alerts. If you have a question about specific javascript, you should post that instead.

  4. Hey guys,


    when i try to execute some javascript nothing happens.

    I just tried to execute the node run javascript with the content:



    But nothing at all is happening.


    so here is my question:


    1.) how can i get UBot to execute the very simple javascript command.

    2.) is it also possible to load the complex javascript thing inside of ubot - like embedding the jquery library and then using this library to parse some elements that had been stored in a list or variable by UBot?


    Thanks in advance



    1) The reason nothing happened is because javascript alerts are automatically closed at the moment. If you need to display an alert, you can use the alert command.


    2) Yes it is possible to embed jQuery onto a website, and you can use lists and variables with the run javascript command.

  5. Hi, Eddie,if only me has these problem, please forget it,sorry.. here is the email problem i met with, make me puzzled..

    1>when you try to verify several different regular emails in one thread, it will show errors,the problem is seems to be the delete email problem.

    2>create table from email not so smooth, and some problem happen with the columns 4 or 5 which the links in some emails are falled in column 4 but some are in column 5.

    3>urgently need email handling would have a better way to take out the username and passwords in some email instead of only verify links, i think this way is much easy than create tables.

    4>still the speed seems very slow for the email connection, and the delete function seems has problem.


    1) What errors are you seeing? Could you take a screenshot of one?

    2) Columns 4 and 5 are the email text and the email HTML. If the person sends you a text email, it will show up in column 4, if they send you an HTML email, it will show up in column 5. If they send both an HTML and text version of the email, it will show the text version in column 4, and the HTML version in column 5. That is why sometimes one of the columns will be blank.

    3) This is a good suggestion, for now you can extract the information yourself using regular expressions.

    4) The speed is only related to your computer connecting to the mail server, so if the mail server or your connection is slow, it will be slow. Keep in mind, you can use the $email functions to access individual emails, if you don't want to wait for it to download every email using create table from emails.

    4 part 2) I have seen some issues with the delete email command, and I believe these issues are related to how POP3 servers work, and the settings on those servers. We are adding support for IMAP email which should be able to delete email much more reliably.


    Thanks for the update, I hope my information helps you :).

  6. Hi Eddie,


    I don't know why but it is now working. Run and Navigate are both leaving me logged in now. Not sure why as I haven't changed anything apart from dragging one node. Haven't even closed the bot.


    Everything would seems to be working as it should.


    Until I can figure out how to reproduce the issue, its probably best to move on. :)


    Alright thanks for keeping us updated. Let me know if it happens again and I can look into it :).

  7. It looks like you might be overcomplicating what you want to do.


    There's no reason to run the request asynchronously when you just want to wait for the result. If you run it asynchronously, it is going to send the request and try to return the result before the request is finished.


    Here's the code view of how you could get the headers of a request.


    ui text box("website", #website)
    set(#headers, $eval("var client = new XMLHttpRequest();
    client.open(\"HEAD\", \"{#website}\", false);
    client.getAllResponseHeaders();"), "Global")


    A few things to note.


    We set the last parameter of open to false, which means it will wait for the request to finish before continuing.


    We set the request type to HEAD, which means it will only request the headers from the server, instead of the entire document, which will make it a little faster.


    Hope that helps :)

    • Like 1
  8. I would like a lot to be added a structure like this in C/C++ for "switch-case"(because is very hard to work with imbricated if):


    switch ( <variable> ) {
    case this-value:
     Code to execute if <variable> == this-value
    case that-value:
     Code to execute if <variable> == that-value
     Code to execute if <variable> does not equal the value following any of the cases


    Please try not to add unrelated enhancement ideas to an existing thread as they will be lost. Also, this feature has already been suggested, so you can find that thread and post in it if you have something new to add to the discussion.

  9. This is something being considered, we're not sure on the best way to implement it yet.


    Right now our idea would be to have a node like "initialize" which you could put commands in that you want to be run when you open your bot file.


    It might look something like this:


    initialize {
     set(#x, 10, "Global")


    So then when the user opened your bot it would set #x to 10 and navigate to google. Setting variables could be useful to give the UI default values.


    If you have critiques on that idea or suggestions of a better way to handle this problem let me know.

  10. Thanks! http://ubotstudio.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif


    You can actually enter whatever format you need. It'll save it according to the file extension you use, for example ".png" or ".jpg". I think if no file extension is used or an unsupported one it will save it as png.

  11. ummm... but i dont want to use a list as im already getting confused with the number of lists that i have


    The code im using is

    <id=$find regular expression($list item(%forum_names_demo3, $list position(%forum_names_demo3)), "(?<=\\,).*?(?=\\,)")>


    So if i have to use a list, then i have to add the list and add the regex to it, then change the above code to point the id to the 0 pos of the new list, then this new list needs to be cleared and reset everytime while im looping through the forum_names_demo3 list.... see how many steps.


    and zap, i tried everything to remove the global but apparently ubot was created in some language that doesnt support any of this, i really cannot believe that ubot loves lists so much, doesnt anyone every get confused with all the lists?


    Had ubot4 for 1 month and already frustrated with it :(


    I'm pretty confused. In my example I didn't create any new lists. I just used the $list item function. Notice there are no % signs, there would be no clearing or resetting of the list. There's only one step, just adding $list item. If you find there are too many steps in that selector you can always use a variable.


    For example you could change it from:


    <id=$find regular expression($list item(%forum_names_demo3, $list position(%forum_names_demo3)), "(?<=\\,).*?(?=\\,)")>



    set(#item, $list item(%forum_names_demo3, $list position(%forum_names_demo3)), "Local")
    set(#first match, $list item($find regular expression(#item, "(?<=\\,).*?(?=\\,)"), 0), "Local")

    Then your selector would be:


    <id=#first match>


    There really is just one extra step in what I posted, and that is wrapping your $find regular expression in $list item. There's no clearing lists or anything else like that.

  12. In UBot 4, $find regular expression always returns a list. If you only want the first match, you can just use $list item.


    For example:


    $find regular expression("apple pie", "p")

    Would return a list with 3 items in it [p, p, p]


    While this example:


    $list item($find regular expression("apple pie", "p"), 0)

    Would return the first item (0) of that list.


    So putting it in practice you might do something like:


    set(#first word, $list item($find regular expression($document text, "you\\w+"), 0), "Global")

    To find the first word that starts with "you" on a page.


    Hope that helps, let me know if you need more examples.

  13. I am testing a new script, and as part of that test I am creating a wordpress site, testing my changes, then deleting the site....all through scripting. All of a sudden, I can no longer access the wordpress admin. If i keep trying, it will eventually load...after about 20 times . If I copy the URL into the another browser, it loads fine. its like something in the uBot user-agent or memory is glitched. Is there a way to clear all memory/browser cache before starting a script?


    If you use the in new browser command it will create a new browser with separate cache and cookies that will be deleted every time the commands inside it have finished running. You can also clear out all the data by restarting UBot Studio.

  14. We have program lag, and high memory problems so why load all this on top of that if you don’t need it?

    Make it a option or plug-in for the people that need or want it





    The bot source scripts are not loaded unless you use them. They are not taking up any important amount of space. If anything, opening your bots in 4.0.97 should use less memory than in 4.0.96.

  15. Hi Eddie


    Can you please explain what you mean by "License files are now encrypted; please be careful when running software you don't trust, including compiled bots." in the latest release, and it's implications for us please. Are you speaking about our licence files for ubot studio? If so, what is the connection with running untrusted software?


    Sorry, I don't understand the warning or intentions of your statement.


    Best Regards



    This is in relation to the post here: http://ubotstudio.co...8161#entry48161


    A user was uploading compiled bots to the forum that would steal your license file. License files are now encrypted, so they only can be read from one computer which prevents this from happening in the future.


    It is highly recommended that you upgrade to 4.0.97 for this improvement. If you are unsure if you have run a compiled bot on the forum that might have done this, I recommend you change your password at:



    We also now no longer allow exe files to be linked to or uploaded to our forum, if you need to post a bot, you will need to post the .ubot file.


    As always, please be careful running software (including compiled bots) from users you do not trust.

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