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Everything posted by allcapone1912

  1. i solve the problem by myself i did not set useragent for each threads
  2. hi,need some help my code: clear all data set user agent("Android") set(#status1,"mike12545smith19241","Global") set(#status2,"jessi245bill19241","Global") thread { navigate("https://watchlist.yahoo.com/?.lang=en-US&.intl=us&.username={#status1}","Wait") wait(10) if($exists(<login link>)) { then { set(#username1,#status1,"Global") } else { set(#username1,"None","Global") } } } thread { in new browser { navigate("https://watchlist.yahoo.com/?.lang=en-US&.intl=us&.username={#status2}","Wa
  3. i understand your idea and thanks for helping your code will work only if image are in "image" folder but not all images have before them "image/"
  4. thank you for your time your example helped me alot
  5. hi, need to save a lot of images direct from url and save them with there defauld name add list to list(%image url,$list from file("C:\\Users\\admin\\Desktop\\image url list.txt"),"Delete","Global") loop($list total(%image url)) { set(#image name,$next list item(%image url),"Global") plugin command("SocketCommands.dll", "socket container") { plugin command("SocketCommands.dll", "socket download file", $next list item(%image url), "D:\\image\\1.jpg") } } but i want the image to be saved not with 1.jpg but with default name for example: http://www.abc.net.au/news/image/4243
  6. thanks a lot,you really help me i am a new user of ubot studio so its great that there are people like you to help me out
  7. hi, need to get direct links to images found via google search images for example: navigate("https://www.google.com/search?q=mining+workers%7Cpeople+hard+hat+high+visibility&biw=1920&bih=955&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=DtgXVeLqG4WrU-2vgaAL&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ","Wait") add list to list(%link,$scrape attribute(<tagname="img">,"src"),"Delete","Global") when move mouse on images i see that images description contain links to original websites but if i look at html code of the page i dont see anything to scrape *NOTE: I need to get original image link first 3 ex
  8. if on websites are the fullhref then your code could be used but if there not fullhref, only /index.php - then will not work
  9. hi,need some help i am tryind to set up a script to extract emails from websites so,my first part is to get all internal link for specific websites ui text box("URL",#main url) navigate(#main url,"Wait") wait(5) add list to list(%second url,$scrape attribute(<href=r"">,"fullhref"),"Delete","Global") but with this code i get all links,including link for ads,banner...but i need only internal link can someone give me an idea how to get only internal link?
  10. thanks for your help, its i've been looking for
  11. hi,need some help working on a scrape project and can not get the script working my code is simple: clear cookies clear all data navigate("http://www.tripadvisor.ca/Restaurants-g155032-Montreal_Quebec.html","Wait") wait(1) add list to list(%company name,$scrape attribute(<class="property_title ">,"innertext"),"Delete","Global") add list to table as column(&restaurant,0,0,%company name) add list to list(%company url,$scrape attribute(<class="property_title ">,"fullhref"),"Delete","Global") loop($list total(%company url)) { navigate($next list item(%company url),"Wait")
  12. yes,its work with vip72 but you can set up only 1 proxy at a time(for socks5 you can set 25 proxy simultant, for http only 1)
  13. A year ago I was using www.nexmo.com and www.utexting.com to make gmail account manual but currently i am trying to test there services with no results
  14. Hello, I'm curious to know if anyone can make a bot that will create Gmail Account - If yes,i will buy it immediately. I know that is very difficult to do that because of Phone Verification but there are a lot of Public Phone Verication or event Private Phone Number for use. The only source i found on web is www.medialoverz.com but i found some bad review about it and i would like to test something else. Thanks
  15. it is possible to get demo or a video/screenshots to see how your bot really work?
  16. Glad to hear that, currently i am using your SuperHAC and its excellent also,ive tried your EACFactory-have same problem but still is a good bot waiting all your future bots,all your softs are perfect for me
  17. Hello, I wan to buy a soft to create email account I need to create emails for the domain: yahoo.com aol.com mail.com(with all option,email.com,usa.com....) gmx.com It could be a soft that integrate all email type or can be separated softs for all account type for hotmail.com i use http://superhac.net/ so,it will be great to have a soft like that for all email domain Thanks
  18. great script,really help me with descending log view
  19. hi Need to display log event in descending order,i mean last log from script have to be in first line of log ui(not ascending as default) Can someone help me with this?
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