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Everything posted by k1lv9h

  1. Hi, Sample code using random list item. LillyT suggestion. clear list(%proxies) add list to list(%proxies, $list from file("C:\\download\\proxy-list.txt"), "Delete", "Global") set(#proxytouse, $random list item(%proxies), "Global") Kevin To use $rand set(#proxytouse, $list item(%proxies, $rand(0, $subtract($list total(%proxies), 1))), "Global")
  2. Hi, To bad when you ran it in plesk you did not see the ubot window open. Try using a batch file or program shortcut with /auto to execute ubot on the computer for a test. You might be able to see whats wrong. Maybe the log file(s) have a error message for the ubot. On my Win 7 computer ubot log files seem to be here: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\UBot Studio Kevin
  3. Hi, Try this list question-001.ubot Kevin
  4. Hi, Here is a function to do this. Code: set(#url, "=refresh&rpage=1&mode=0&cnCountry=&order=2&orderby=256&cnTitle=Marketing&cnDomain=.gov&cnDead=false&cnExOwned=true&count=0&screenNameType=0&screenName=&omitScreenNameType=0&omitScreenName=&companyId=null&estimatedCount=1915&rowsPerPage=50", "Global") set(#getvaluefromurl, "estimatedCount", "Global") set(#estimatedcountvalue, $geturlvalue(#getvaluefromurl), "Global") define $geturlvalue(#urlpart) { set(#trimstringtoget, $substring(#url, $find index(#url, #urlpart), $su
  5. Hi, On the sample page this worked. Code: set(#scrapephone, $find regular expression($scrape attribute(<id="userbody">, "innertext"), "([0-9-_. \\/]\{2\})?\\(?\\b([0-9]\{3\})\\)?[-. \\/]?([0-9]\{3\})[-. \\/]?([0-9]\{4\})\\b"), "Global") Added \ before every { and } in the specified number of characters. Without the \ character ubot would remove { and } characters from the regex code. Kevin
  6. Hi, This is a simple UBot thread example. Simple in that it just navigates to the sites in the list. Sample code: clear list(%urls) add list to list(%urls, $list from text("www.bonitrust.de www.bookfav.de www.bookler.de www.bookmark.raubfische.de www.bookmark.sitepro.cc www.bookmark-artikel.net www.bookmark-clever.de www.lookday.de www.markbook.de www.meine-bookmarks.info www.membre.de www.minota.de www.mybookmarks24.com", $new line), "Delete", "Global") ui stat monitor("total list", $list total(%urls)) ui stat monitor("urls processed", #urls processed) ui stat monitor("current thread", #
  7. Hi, I had to download the image file to my PC to have it upload to the site. This seems to work: clear list(%imageurl) add item to list(%imageurl, $read file("https://dl.dropbox.com/u/13419372/Biznessapps%20Automation/imageurl.txt"), "Delete", "Global") set list position(%imageurl, 0) navigate("http://www.biznessapps.com/client/login.php", "Wait") type text(<username field>, "ubotstudio", "Standard") type text(<password field>, "appsly12345", "Standard") click($element offset(<login button>, 1), "Left Click", "No") wait for element(<class="lnk_start">, 5, "Appear")
  8. Hi, Add this after line click(<id="updateresults">, "Left Click", "No") wait for browser event("Everything Loaded", 30) Kevin
  9. Hi Phil, Glad it helped. I see you cannot download .ubot files. This UBot forum topic has what you need to do to have the restriction lifted. http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/7731-getting-errors-posting/ Kevin
  10. Hi, This should work. I added code to include the Port number for each IP Address. Sample code: navigate("http://www.hidemyass.com/proxy-list/", "Wait") wait for browser event("Everything Loaded", "") change checkbox(<name="ac">, "Unchecked") change dropdown(<country dropdown>, "United States") change checkbox($element offset(<name="sp[]">, 0), "Unchecked") change checkbox($element offset(<name="ct[]">, 0), "Unchecked") click(<id="updateresults">, "Left Click", "No") wait for browser event("Everything Loaded", 30) clear list(%paddress) clear list(%pport) clea
  11. Hi, This ubot code sample is based on the table data sample provided. Sample code: set(#trlist, "<tr> <td class=\"selection\"><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"300001275866\" class=\"action-record-selected\" data-recordid=\"300001275866\"></td> <td class=\"no-padding-on-left no-padding-on-right\" title=\"Quick View\"><div class=\"action-quick-view-list\" data-quickview=\"/UsConsumer/Detail/QuickView?recordId=300001275866\" data-detail=\"/UsConsumer/Detail/All/2a4baaca0ec24c87919043cc10bfd16e/21\"> </div></td><td class=\"no-padding-on-left
  12. Hi, Sample code: navigate("http://www.rallyschool.com.au/?page=site/full_dirt", "Wait") clear list(%course) add list to list(%course, $page scrape("<tr valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"#EEEEEE\">", "</tr>"), "Delete", "Global") clear list(%courseextract) set list position(%courseextract, 0) loop($list total(%course)) { if($comparison($list position(%course), "<", $list total(%course))) { then { set(#courseitem, $trim($replace($next list item(%course), $new line, $nothing)), "Global") set(#coursedate, $trim($replace regular expression($replace regular e
  13. Hi, Sample code: set(#urld, "http://ezinearticles.com/?UBot-Studio---The-Ultimate-in-Web-Automation?&id=3443164 http://ezinearticles.com/?Build-Your-Own-Software-for-SEO,-Is-It-Possible?&id=6411746", "Global") clear list(%urls) add list to list(%urls, $list from text(#urld, $new line), "Delete", "Global") loop($list total(%urls)) { if($comparison($list position(%urls), "<", $list total(%urls))) { then { set(#urlitem, $next list item(%urls), "Global") set(#urlitemid, $replace regular expression(#urlitem, ".*&id=", $nothing), "Global") }
  14. Hi Kevin, I took your suggestion. I ran it on google search for 100 results. With the two methods I used to get the PDF book name's. I had 100 PDF book name matches from search result URLs. Kevin
  15. Hi, Sample code: set(#urllist, "http://skagit.wsu.edu/FAM/publications/apples%2003%20NEW.UPDATED.pdf http://nysipm.cornell.edu/organic_guide/apples.pdf http://www.cals.ncsu.edu/entomology/apiculture/pdfs/3.03%20copy.pdf http://www.uspirg.org/sites/pirg/files/reports/Apples-to-Twinkies-web-vUS.pdf http://www.worldtradelaw.net/reports/wtoab/japan-apples(ab).pdf http://www.worldtradelaw.net/reports/wtopanels/japan-apples(panel).pdf http://www.worldtradelaw.net/reports/wtopanelsfull/japan-apples(panel)(full).pdf http://www.botany.wisc.edu/courses/botany_940/06CropEvol/papers/Harris%2602.pdf htt
  16. I have found this site helpful. http://rubular.com/ I use it to work out my regex stuff Kevin
  17. Hi, Sample code: sample-scrape-regex-001.ubot The sample will set a variable and list using "scrape attribute" regex. Kevin
  18. Hi, This code will return "headline" set(#workwith, "Headline | Site | Date", "Global") set(#Page Title, $replace regular expression(#workwith, "(\\s\\|.*)", $nothing), "Global") Kevin
  19. Here is the file again: ui open file("Proxy list file", #proxy list) ui drop down("Type of Proxy?", ",Socks Proxy,Normal Proxy", #type of proxy) ui drop down("Proxy timeout max", ",1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60", #proxy timeout) ui save file("Save Good Proxys to:", #save to) clear list(%prox) add list to list(%prox, $list from file(#proxy list), "Delete", "Global") set list position(%prox, 0) loop($list total(%prox)) { set(#proxy to check, $next list
  20. Hi, Sample code: clear list(%groupondeals) navigate("http://www.groupon.co.uk/missed-deals/bath", "Wait") add list to list(%groupondeals, $scrape attribute(<class="recentDealDescription">, "innerhtml"), "Delete", "Global") clear list(%dealdescription) clear list(%dealahrefs) loop($list total(%groupondeals)) { if($comparison($list position(%groupondeals), "<", $list total(%groupondeals))) { then { set(#dealahrefsitem, $trim($replace($next list item(%groupondeals), $new line, $nothing)), "Global") set(#dealshrefitemhref, $replace regular expression($re
  21. Hi James, Give this a try: sample-google-alert-004.ubot Kevin
  22. Hi, I see you can not download files. This forum topic http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/7731-getting-errors-posting/ has what you need to do to have the limits lifted. This Code sample has a keyword input box: ui block text("list", #keywordlist) clear list(%keywords) add list to list(%keywords, $list from text(#keywordlist, $new line), "Delete", "Global") if($exists(<id="kd-appswitcher">)) { then { } else { navigate("http://www.google.com/alerts", "Wait") } } loop($list total(%keywords)) { if($comparison($list position(%keywords), "<", $list
  23. Hi, Here is the batch file I wrote to find the Ubot Studio Temp directory. You can add the del command if you want to in :ubotlocalstoragefile section. That is where I decide if the directory is a Ubot Studio Temp directory. @echo off & cls setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion for /f "delims=" %%X in ('echo %0') do ( set cmddrive=%%~dX echo CMD File Drive: !cmddrive! set cmdpath=%%~pX echo CMD File Path: !cmdpath! set cmdfilename=%%~nX echo CMD File Name: !cmdfilename! set cmdfileext=%%~xX echo CMD File Ext: !cmdfileext! echo --- --- ) dir /B /S /A:D %temp%\tmp*.tmp >.\%cmdfilename%-
  24. Hi, Yes it is weird. I visit sites using Firefox browser accumulate credits. Log out and logged back in and none of the accumulated credit is saved. Update: increaser project-001.ubot Changed it to not do page reload. Added click to close the onclick website page view. You can see "My credits" increase. Log out and the accumulated credit is lost the same as Firefox. Kevin
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