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Posts posted by cүвεя_נυηкιε


    Ultimate Ubot Plugin Version 1.2.3
    License Component
    • License System has been changed, secret key is not required any more.

    Email Component

    • SMTP Send Email Attachment Bug Fixed

    Video Component

    • Watermark Video From Images Bug Fixed
    • Watermark Video From Images Now Support Logo Positioning

    Images Component

    • Create Text Banners Now Support Text Positioning and Save Image Formats PNG, JPG and BMP.
    • WaterMark Image With Logo/Text Now Support Text Positioning


    Updated links will be sent in next hour.




    Hi Abbas, been a while since i used the plugin, but ive just noticed that im outdated, 

    where can i get the latest version ?


    I tried the link i had but its the same version as i have installed now which is v1.2.2.0 






  2. for 0/14 have they activated their license ?

    how many activation and software licenses are per each license ? feel free to PM me more details and will have a look at it.


    I built the mod so it does not use a cron to automatically increment the days but instead it will calculate the time-logs of the last activation or software open.

    So what happens is that if you allow someone 14 days trial, it will enable at the time of license activation and disable when he will try to open the software after the trial period.




    While working on the current mod improvements i encountered lots of incompatibility issues so i decided to rewrite everything for better performance and security.

    It was a lot of work and i spent a lot of time into rewriting the entire system but we will soon have a new and better licensing system.



    Sorry, i dont know why i missed that part from the screenshot lol,

    Yes all 3 were activated :



    what happens is that if you allow someone 14 days trial, it will enable at the time of license activation and disable when he will try to open the software after the trial period.



    I see, thanks for explaining that :)


    The middle license it is possible that it hasnt been opened since trial end,

    but the other two I know have opened everyday as they are in contact with reports of usage.



    Its not a huge issue as i mentioned that I rarely use the trial feature, 

    so ill just keep an eye on it if i use it again in the future ;)




    Thanks for the reply Macster, appreciated :)


  3. Hey there :)

    I think ive got an issue, .. 


    I dont usually use the "Trial" feature as i tend to refuse if someone asks for one, 

    however recently I had a change of heart and allowed 3 customers to trial a bot, .. 


    I just checked my license admin panel and the days for the trials are not moving, 


    1 of them changed to 1/7 (week trial) 

    but the other 2 havent moved since created :




    The 14 day trials were started on the 24th March (which should have ended 3 days ago i think)


    Arent they supposed to increment as days go by ?

    or am i missing something ?







  4. Hey there :)




    Anyone reading this and thinking of purchasing Darryls new GUI Hero needs to stop reading and purchase, .. 

    It will probably be the best $57(or $27) you have ever spent, .. 


    And im not overcooking this, the UI builder is smooth, sharp, responsive and takes a shed load of leg work out of building any type of UI, 

    Im self confessed pedantic when creating my UI's and it is crucial that whatever im using remains lag free and sharp feeling, 

    and Darryls new builder delivers, .. i was quite fond of the previous builder but this one takes creating to a new level.


    Also, the feature list is staggering, sliders, progress bars, popups and tabs all contained within one UI which saved a TON of memory from not having to add html windows and extra tabs,

    and i havent even scratched the surface,  not only that but everything is easily edit-able ... I could seriously bore you to death with this, ....... total geek  :mellow:


    Just to put this into perspective, this is a real case scenario, ..

    Most of my "larger" bots have UI's that are quite "heavy" and noticed that it can have an effect in UBot itself when coding a project, 

    and then if tabs are added there is a delay between tab switching, then I would add a settings panel within HTML windows (probably multiple for settings, captcha settings etc etc ..) 

    So by the time all these extra tabs and windows are added everything starts to lag, ... im sure others have experienced this,

    Then in the compiled bot there is always that second or two lag between switching tabs, and opening html windows,


    The bot in question had 7 tabs all loaded with its own UI and html windows, So I built the EXACT same UI within GUI Hero and the difference in performance is just staggering, 

    I was able to reduce to 2 tabs and 0 html windows ..... I mean come on, thats like a miracle or something lol



    So stop thinking about it and grab a copy, then you can sit in front of your monitor with a huge smug face knowing you can create any UI with infinite possibilities,  


    oh, .. did i mention that i like it  :rolleyes:



    Also, while i was just drooling over the features list i forgot to mention that if you do run into any problems Darryl support is always on the ball, 

    so no worries there either, 








  5. I know i'm still new here, but is the the usual delay to expect?  For something that was supposed to be done "ASAP", this just seems odd at best.  I'm all behind legitimizing plugins for uBot, bot not if it slams development and distribution to a dead halt..  That's just a chokehold at best..


    Any word on this making it's way to the store?



    Hey there, 

    I got to be honest, ive been here a while and I was expecting someone to chirp in and at the very least update or answer, 



    So the answer is yes and no, .. 

    depending on what it is we are waiting for lol, 



    this one however is a slightly unique case,

    I guess it should say ASADK or ASAWCBB  :lol:




    but yea, on a serious note they are pretty good with updates and such ;)






  6. Hi all,

    I have not used Ubot for a while but, in the past, I have made some interesting bots.

    I have now decided to delve in again.

    I have the developer edition and currently running 5.0.9 although I haven't used that version, I stayed with V4.2.20 as people were saying that V5 was buggier than V4.

    My question is, Do I upgrade to stealth?

    It's not the money, it's just whether it will do a better job than V4.

    Any advice would be appreciated.





    Hi Clintk, 



    I have been using the latest available version for about 6 months and it seems "relatively" stable at my end, 

    obviously the famous mysterious random crashing and lagging now and then but generally a good experience,


    Also to take into consideration that the latest version has new features that you might find useful like "headless" which is not available in version pre 5.0.9 (i think) 



    My personal opinion ... do it anyway,

    you can always revert back if your not happy but then always have the option to upgrade again at will should you need to use any of the features not present in earlier versions :)




    Obviously that is just my opinion and you should do whatever you think best .... its your money after all ;)







  7. Good morning, I need to make a program to send me "fake referrer" but nevertheless put "set referrer" before navigation on the website, but then does not work .... then to analyze the traffic indicates direct traffic .... Anyone know how You resolve?



    Cant really diagnose without knowing a bit more info or seeing your code,

    "but then does not work" ... in what way does it not work ?


    but have you tried changing the Refer and then navigating to "https://www.whatismyreferer.com/"to see if the change has taken place ?







  8. Create a new script and try to following:

    loop(10000) {
    define test {

    Memory keeps going up on every Run but if you press Code View and back to Node View memory is cleared.



    There is a workaround that works in "most" cases, and worth a try, ..

    if you place a "load html" node to load say every 10 or 20 or 50 or whatever loops then UBot memory clears (Ubot or Compiled bot)


    doesnt have to be anything in the node an empty one will do, 

    try it out and let us know ;)






    • Like 1
  9. typically for custom work i'll price the following:


    just software- quote based on hourly rate/time to complete

    +rights to source - depending on complexity usually +50%, sometimes I can't go through with these jobs as providing the source and rights to the source isn't viable.


    Note Developer to Developer I don't include any additional for source as generally these jobs are for specific functions and not a full piece of software. I guess my criteria for additional cost of source is a commercially saleable product. 


    excusive rights only rarely comes up and generally means a non-compete clause including any other custom work. Typically i'll push for rev share or monthly dev support for this type of work. If the person/company is unable to enter a contract for specifically what the terms and conditions are. I wont entertain as such a grey area that could destroy your business when doing corporate work.





    Thanks kev123


    Fortunately there has been no "agreed" anything as of yet (other than original custom project cost) 

    as mentioned Exclusive rights is far too "grey" and if I am to agree to anything at all it will need to be well thought out and discussed "in detail" beforehand, 


    I am currently in contact with the chap and will be "chatting" about this in the next day or so, 

    so I will know what his "actual" intentions are, 



    Its funny, .. it is one of those situations that I wasnt expecting to arise, or more to the point hadnt even conceived the thought of it, 

    Ive been asked to sell my source codes a million an 1 times but the exclusive is a new one, 







    • Like 1
  10. CJ I don't envy you.... You are firmly wedged between a rock and a hard place on this one.


    For me personally, if I build something for someone else, I never ever give them source code on it... They would pay through the nose for that before I would even consider it.


    Additionally, if I already have a similar project in the works, I tell them that right up front (for obvious reasons)


    Now, as for your buyer specifically - You could of course give him exclusive rights to his product, just make sure to give your previous project a look/feel/flow that is separated enough that you CYA on the deal. No matter what, the guy isnt likely to be happy, but then again no one gets full copyright privileges on your work in general and it is unreasonable to assume that you would never build another product that wouldn't contain at least some of the same elements as his.



    "CJ I don't envy you.... You are firmly wedged between a rock and a hard place on this one.:unsure:

    Thanks for that hahaha



    Yes I agree on that Im never keen on even the thought of selling a source code, 

    although im not going to lie, I do believe everything has a price (material object wise obviously, i wouldnt sell my wife an dogs lmao) 

    but in honesty I dont think ive ever been asked before, 


    Regarding mentioning the original project upfront, yep .. nail on the head right there mate , 

    i guess ill have to peg this one down to inexperience, .. I genuinely didnt really even give it a second thought, 

    one thing i can say however is that its not a mistake ill be making again this side of the apocalypse,


    also, regarding my original project the features list is pretty much completely different, it does 3 of the same things (in total) 

    but does a ton of other tasks and looks completely different, the only thing connecting them is the site being automated (and the 3 things mentioned)




    "but then again no one gets full copyright privileges on your work in general and it is unreasonable to assume that you would never build another product that wouldn't contain at least some of the same elements as his."

    This is where the stubborn side of my head creeps in during thought process, .. 

    before i read all the comments I coudnt get out of thinking "how is it any of my clients business what my future projects contain"

    Yes, to sell the same bot would be a kick in the face, 

    but a bot that does something at the same site, .. bit bold,



     ​Ahh its a funny old life, ... those curve-balls are an SOB   :rolleyes:





    Cheer Brutal, 

    I am normally the person to point out situations from "both" points of view, but for some reason on this occasion my head was stuck in Dev mode,

    There are always two sides to consider. 





  11. Apologies for the delay in reply chaps, had no power for 2 days, 

    im not entirely sure how we all survived without the internet, I was twitching after 6 hours  :blink:



    Like CJ said you do not want to miss future sales so you can give the customer a choice or several different options.

    You also want to make the most of time that you invested in creating the bot worth the effort, so you want to be

    fair but also smart.


    Let's say that you would price this bot at $24.99 to sell retail to the public.  We are also assuming that this is

    a highly quality bot as well(not something that you put together within 15 minutes).


    Here are the different options I would give the customer and then let them choose.


    Exclusive rights with bot and source code (which means that I never would sell it) - $2,497

    Bot and source code (which means that I can sell it on my own as well) $1,247

    Bot - no source code (which means that I can sell it on my own as well) $597.00


    You can do so many scenarios, but this is just an example.


    You can also have a option as an add-on that if they want updates that it is $97.00 per 6 month term

    and can be renewed every 6 months thereafter.  You can be very creative.  However, with every custom job

    I do I offer free updates for the first 30 days and then if they want additional support I charge at that point.


    These are just some things that you can use to formulate some ideas.


    Thanks mrwat, this again also tallies with some of my initial thoughts, 

    great info, appreciate the effort :)





    For me, I haven't sold any bots; It's not in my intention. However, if I am selling exclusive rights to a program, it suggests that user can become the sole distributor of it. 


    For me, a few factors would have to be considered.

    1) You may own exclusive rights, but that doesn't mean I give you my source code.

    2) Will you need future updates? What if something were to change, if it's interacting with elements beyond your/his control it WILL eventually probably require updates.

    3) Will my bot be commercialized? Or is it for you and your agency.


    Based on those questions and depending on the type of software, the complexity and what it does I'll try to draft a price.


    For pricing I'd just do my hourly rate * duration of the project - Base price.

    Source code: X00 ~ 1000 depending on # of lines/complexity of code

    For updates, there'd have to be some agreement.


    Thanks Ricx,

    its always good to see others views on pricing structure, something ive never been too great on 



    If you created the program for a fee and did so using the clients idea for the software, then shouldn't he own exclusive rights by default?


    I know that for me personally I would come unhinged if I sought out a dev., gave him my software idea/instruction, paid the asking price, and then he sold my project to other people or hit me for more money to make it exclusive to me. (unless of course there was a pre-agreement with language to the contrary)


    Aside from that and back to your original question - Take your best (realistic) guess at how much money you would make by promoting/selling it, then set your price near that same point.


    Hey Brutal, 

    This is EXACTLY where my head was when i open this thread, 


    also to be fair i could have provided a couple of other details that would clear this one up a bit, 

    the impression i got from this client was along the lines of if i was going to release another or any bot that did the same or similar process at a specific shopping website, 



    so you are absolutely right regarding using a clients "idea" and that is something i would never do .. ever, .. i reckon "unhinged" would probably be an understatement,

    but i will be releasing a similar bot for the same site that was already in my project list that was thought out and planned long before i knew this chap existed, 

    so it just seemed a bit of an odd request to not develop another bot of the same nature, 





    Hi Brutal,


    I agree with you on the source code that it should belong to the buyer if they came to me with the idea.


    Now if they want exclusive rights to it where I cannot sell it I just charge more to compensate for my time

    and the fact that I will not be able to make any future sales from it.  Just think of the ThemeForest (Envato)



    However, these are all just ideas and that is the beauty of being a product creator as you have so much

    flexibility in how you run your business.


    It beats being just an affiliate where you have to compete with hundreds to thousands of others promoting

    the same products competing for the same market share.




    Thats a good point with Envato, it was on a list of sites i made to submit some software, 

    on one hand the thought of not being able to submit "Anywhere" else is a bit odd, 

    but then on the other they have one hell of a customer base which is epic for exposure, .. one thing is for certain, they have there heads on strait lmao



    "It beats being just an affiliate where you have to compete with hundreds to thousands of others promoting

    the same products competing for the same market share."


    ahh that takes me back a few years :)







    Thanks for the comments and opinions, greatly appreciated 

    its always good to hear views from others and get some alternative points of view







  12. I would not be enough authority to say much. But in my opinion since they are asking you to give them full rights and also to not sell it yourself then I would price it very high. Of course you should always be able to sell your bots on your own. So if they are asking you to not sell them and therefore not make money from them for many years to come then I would price it very high to make up for the years of missed sales. If they come back asking why I would tell them because if you expect me to miss out on sales for many years to come and not make anything from it then your totally wrong on your thought process. Plus like TJ said you can always lower it later on too if you have too. But if you go too low then you can never expect to raise the price later on because then people would expect it to stay low.



    Thanks for the reply Davidford76, 


    Your answer mimics my initial thoughts, which is relieving to know i wasnt over-thinking it, ... on this occasion,

    and that the request "actually is" as odd as i thought lmao







  13. Nice update Dan :)


    I particularly like ..

    $Generic Chrome Parameter (Can be used to specify a Chrome Profile for example. --profile-directory="Profile 1") 



    For something im working on this is a game changer, exciting stuff :)

    can it get any better ? lol






  14. Hey there,


    Ive been developing custom bots for clients for quite some time now and usually price each project individually ... as all developers do, 

    however I have recently been asked if i would remove all branding and not to release the bot for sale, 


    I dont really have a problem with either request but Im not really sure what sort of cost this should be for the client, .. 

    so, as the title says how do you price "exclusive rights" ?



    I understand that in most cases what the software does and how much work went into it would be the main factors, so pricing that is easy, 

    but in this case what is "acceptable" ?



    Im not bothered about asking for a large pricetag but at the same time I dont want to sell myself short lol, 

    and I figured there are quite a lot of "Professional" developers here that might have been in the same situation or similar that could share some knowledge.





    Thanks for reading


  15. Create a define

    In this define, set a variable (#clicks) to calculate your percentage

    Create a loop to do your clicking. Set the number of cycles in the loop to #clicks



    Cheers for the reply @jomark3, Appreciated :)



    It turns out i just needed to step away for a moment and actually think of something else before my brain melted, 


    I came back to it after 24 hours and come up with a solution 20 mins, that just works :)


    The problem specifically was that I was using a "random" system, .. but the process yielded very different results depending if the list was small or large, 

    and although i wasnt necessarily looking for accuracy but some sort of consistency,  


    So there are now 4 checkpoints that will decide whether to click or not depending on the size of the list and the level of % set to click, .. 

    A bit over kill, but it works lol







    It is a consistent lock-up/crash with any user agent I set.


    Here is the list I'm working with.


    Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-gb) AppleWebKit/525.1+ (KHTML, like Gecko, Safari/525.1+) epiphany-webkit
    Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_6) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/12.0.742.112 Safari/534.30
    Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_4) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/12.0.742.112 Safari/534.30
    Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/535.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/13.0.782.215 Safari/535.1
    Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/535.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/13.0.782.215 Safari/535.1
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/535.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/13.0.782.215 Safari/535.1
    Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_2) AppleWebKit/535.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/13.0.782.215 Safari/535.1
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/45.0.2454.101 Safari/537.36
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2490.80 Safari/537.36
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2490.71 Safari/537.36
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2490.80 Safari/537.36
    Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/45.0.2454.101 Safari/537.36
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:41.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/41.0
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:41.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/41.0
    Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:41.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/41.0
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:41.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/41.0
    Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.10; rv:41.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/41.0
    I'm wondering if it's a graphics related thing or possibly driver related issues as I'm running Windows as a dual-boot with Bootcamp on a MacBook.  The only problem is that these issues seem to crop up with UBot Studio randomly.  It hasn't always behaved like this.  It's like my version has random, explainable issues that sometimes just disappear after a couple days. :(
    I am just having one helluva time trying to figure out if it's a UBot problem or a hardware / OS problem, because I feel like if this was the normal experience everyone had, nobody would be using UBot and there would be more posts about it.  Not trying to knock it or anything like that, I'm just saying... It can be really frustrating trying to get stuff done when your tools are fighting you, lol.
    I was testing this earlier today without issues, then it just randomly started being a pest.  Same code, nothing has changed.  Problems persist between program restarts and computer reboots which is really odd.



    No problems with the User agents at my end, so that just leaves 1 answer, .. 

    with all other variables out of the equation it must be because on a MAC, most of the things that cause "known" problems you are not doing so it "should" be running fine, 

    as for graphics related, .. honestly no clue, I have had instances in the past with low end gfx card causing problems but it effected the PC as a whole rather than individual software.



    Would be a good idea to shoot a new ticket to the "UBot bug Tracker" ;)



    Sorry i cant give you the pearl of wisdom you were hoping for, 

    If i think of anything else ill come back to this thread, but im not a MAC guy so not really able to offer anything from that angle :P









    • Like 1
  17. I haven't even gotten to the point where it does it more than once because it locks up on the first go.  It's also single-threaded.  I'm using browser 21.  I have tried it in a `shared browser`, a `new browser`, and just regularly in a define or outside a define.


    I also reduced my code by splitting into tabs.  23 lines of code and it still locks up when using `set user agent` within `in shared browser` or `in new browser` or inside/outside define.


    Man, this one is a weird one.



    Ah, well if this is happening even set to Chrome 21 then there must be something wrong, .. 


    Can you show an example of the User Agents you are using that are causing the crashing/stalling ?

    are there any that are consistently ? ... or is it random ?





    • Like 1
  18. Hi, 


    8Gb sounds plenty to be honest, 

    and 280 lines of code is not a lot of code for it to be crashing and reacting the way you mention, .. 

    Just to put this into perspective, the "smallest" define in the project im working on at the moment has 396 lines and thats just 1 define among about 8 in each of 9 tabs, 

    god knows how many lines in "Total" and Im not lagging yet, .. 


    Hmm, .. 

    I see in the example you provided you are changing User agent, how often is it doing this ?


    also are you executing this in a single or multi-thread environment ? 


    Which browser version do you have selected in the "Tools/Options" menu ?

    settings to 39 can be buggy and those that have problems just switch to 21 which solves a lot of problems, 



    one thing i have noticed is crashing when changing user agent more so using Chrome 39,

    but in fairness since the latest version I havent had any issues (using 21), 




    Regarding splitting into tabs, 

    providing you place your code into Defines you can run all from 1 tab with no issues, 

    its also good practice to do this so you can categorize or sort into sections like "Main Controls" etc ... this also make editing/modifying later on mush easier :)





    • Like 1
  19. These chaps are right Dinuxvv, you need to put your code into a "loop while", 


    So basically put a variable at the very beginning of your bot, something like "#running=true"

    Then place the code you want to be repeated within a "loop while - #running=true" command, 

    Then if you add your own "Start" and "Stop" buttons you can add "#running=false" to your stop button which would make your bot exit the loop to stop


    You may want to modify or fiddle with it until your happy, but thats the basic approach :)







  20. This thread isn't to complain, I'm just outlining what I have experienced so far so that I might be able to figure out what I can do to fix the problems I'm having.


    According to the FAQ page here is what you need to run UBot Studio:



    However, I do not see anything about CPU power.  I have a 2.90Ghz i7 MacBook running windows and my it struggles to run UBot Studio after about an hour or two of development / running a bot.  This is on a dual-boot installation of windows, so there is no vm.


    When I run the same bots on my main computer which is a 3.4Ghz i7 and a GTX 970 for graphics, it makes a huge difference.  I don't know what is causing UBot Studio to be so buggy and whatnot on my MacBook, but it's getting to the point where I can't really do much in UBot on my MacBook(my dev machine) because doing something as simple as `set user agent` locks up my bot and causes UBot Studio to crash sometimes(like 25% of the time which is way too high).


    What system specs do you guys have/recommend, and do you find yourself having to restart UBot Studio a lot?


    I need to make sure I buy a computer that will be capable of running this stuff without as many issues or my boss will not be happy with me.



    Hi JohnnyFive,


    Are you working within 1 or multiple tabs in Ubot ?

    does it react like this even with a small amount of code/nodes or just when it starts to get large ?


    Ive got a power house of a PC which NEVER laggs, .. and I get the laggy thing once a project reaches a certain size in Ubot, 

    the only way it is bearable is if i split the code into tabs or remove a ton code to external files, ...

    but if its happening to you even with a small amount of code then perhaps there is an outlying issue, 


    How much RAM do you have ?









    • Like 1
  21. I tried



    I tried disabling Javascript and the alert() was still popping.  Somehow I got it to stop popping, but that was after re-enabling javascript.  It's a weird one, but I chalk it up to the site I'm working on.



    Ahh you gotta love UBot  :rolleyes:

    Glad you got it :)





    • Like 1
  22. Hey Brutal, 

    Sorry to drag up an old thread but rather than open a new thread I figured this was pretty close to my question, 


    Ive just had a meltdown caused by trying to work out something percentage related, seriously hoping that you or someone else might just put me out of my god damn misery lmao, 


    Ok, I know how to calculate percentages Google taught me well lol, 

    however how can I translate a percentage into amount of clicks within a total list, .. 


    Ill explain further, .. 



    So you have a list, in this list are lets say 386 entries, 

    A user wants 60% of those to be clicked which is 232 (rounded) 


    How would you tell a bot to "roughly" click 60% of the list ?



    Ive actually lost quite a few days over this and it is beginning to grind me down, 



    Anyone got a pearl of wisdom lying around, 

    The IQ count around here must be biblical so hoping for a miracle lol :)










    P.S. Ill probably open a new thread for this just in case this one get buried 

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