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Everything posted by Dman

  1. Hey Everyone, I am getting a Script error when i run a socket command the error is: Could not load type 'htmlNodeEnumerator' from assembly 'HtmlAgilityPack, Version = here is the full screenshot of the error http://cloud.datarecall.ca/image/3R0e361H163W It runs fine on my office computer it happens when i load this into a remote windows desktop to do debugging. Any help is appreciated.
  2. Yes but HttpOnly must be stored on the browser side as well from what I can see using firebug, Ubot must be able to get access to them if they are stored locally it is just a security measure stopping them from being pulled via js from my understanding. Myabe im wrong ?
  3. With ubot we should be able to get and store the cookies since they are actually being set inside ubot, we just have no js access to them. Would be great if we could figure out a plugin or something to store this data somehow.
  4. Cant seem to figure it out, I have tried everything but the xs cookie keyname does not show up in ubot whatsoever.
  5. Hey Everyone, Having some major issues storing the facebook remember me cookie. define GetCookieFB { set(#FBcookie, $eval("document.cookie;"), "Global") alert(#FBcookie) } However when doing this it seems to be missing quite a few key value pairs when compared to firebug. if you load the cookie back in using js and splitting on the ; it will fail to be logged in. It seems that you need the key xs but this is not transmitted in document.cookie. Any help would be appreciated.
  6. I just purchased through your 2checkout link however it did not give me the download link. Order Number : 205365468321 is the order number
  7. Hey everyone, have any of you tried to make a self updating compiled bot so the latest version is always being run. I tried doing something via drop box but the user needs to log into the computer for it to refresh itself.
  8. Dman

    Size of UI

    I have a stat monitor in my UI but the default is huge 1/4 of the screen is there a way to make the UI smaller so it doesnt take up much room ? http://cloud.datarecall.ca/image/0e062b0b1g2V
  9. Hello Everyone, Trying to make a command that will move the mouse around the screen for sites that are monitoring mouse movements via js. It seems that the plugin command does not accept variables for the x and y coordinates? set(#xcored, 685, "Global") set(#ycord, 900, "Global") loop while(#ycord >= 100) { decrement(#ycord) plugin command("WindowsCommands.dll", "move mouse", "*", "HwndWrapper[UBot Studio.exe;;39acbc4e-7417-4809-aae3-7aecdcb0bb88]", #xcord, #ycord) }
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