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Everything posted by drhum

  1. Not sure about this but have you tried updating to .Net version 5 and see if it makes a difference?
  2. I think that could be the problem. Public proxies always have an issue. And it's not one of the top things looked upon too.
  3. Simply Pinterest. I tried my best to get this to work on my own through researching. Still a working progress.
  4. If it's not working with v4, I would assume it needs to go to the developers already to come up with a work around or fix.
  5. I'm trying to learn as fast I can here. What was the issue if I may ask and how was it fixed? If it's not too much to ask.
  6. My first impluse is that would be the easier and quicker approach.
  7. Can you also provide a rough price for this?
  8. Thank you for that. I guess my next problem is the script.
  9. Thanks for confirming this. Pretty happy with v4 at the meantime.
  10. We can just make up with anything here right? Even if we don't own the domain?
  11. Good luck on tracing it Team_LX. Is there a few for users having the issue on our side too?
  12. Still checking this bot though. Looks good from feature list so far.
  13. Mostly everyone I would say. I'm not switching to v5 yet, only when I encounter an issue that updating is the only solution.
  14. Congrats! You took the plunge. I have never had a MAC yet but I will never have one.
  15. Mostly, these scripts are being sold. I'd suggest that you purchase one and at the same time, ask the person selling this about how every line of the script works. This is just to get you started.
  16. I think you need text to speech software here just to input the voice to text.
  17. I got nothing on top of my head for this. But were you able to find out anything here by any chance Big Dog?
  18. Me neither. It's quite a handy command by the way. Thanks!
  19. Hi buddy, any update on your html code so far or have you figured this one out?
  20. Great plugin. I'm still contemplating if I want to go with this.
  21. Do you also provide after sales support here?
  22. Example for every command would be nice please.
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