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Aaron Nimocks

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Everything posted by Aaron Nimocks

  1. Then you can't do that without saving the data in a text file and restarting the program. You cant create UI items on the fly. They are ALL generated when it is loaded.
  2. You cant change values in the UI items so they would be displayed in the UI. Thats what you are trying to do, right?
  3. Ill test it for you. I made an account. I entered account info and Just Add Friends. 25 pages and 25 delay. Clicked start and it went to the registration page for tagged and is just sitting there. It found the key and says its active. (I like how you implemented the timed trial) Did I mess it up? *Edit - Figured out why. The login fields are in an iframe and that page was timing out for me for some reason.
  4. You dont enter (1) When you open the navigate window there will be sub paramenters on the right. This is where you will right click on the node and select next list item. Then it will show up as {1} actually. Just move that {1} to where it should be in the query.
  5. Just replace the query with next list item. blogsearch?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&q=(1)&btnG=Search+Blogs (1) = Next list item If you need more info than that let me know. Not sure if you would like a screenshot or step by step on how to do it.
  6. Another thought might be to save the HTML to file. Just like saving to a .txt just save to .html in My Documents or where ever. Then browse to the offline .html If this is some type of status report of the scraping then it would work out perfect since it saves a record.
  7. The best solution in my opinion would be to navigate to a page on one of your sites. Have a texarea form field where you change the attribute to the HTML output you want. So pretty much like Jim said but enter it in a form then submit. When the page refreshes/loads then it will just display the HTML on the page. That way you have full control over what you want to see.
  8. If you are concered about the following it can do it.... Switch Proxies per post Easily spin text for each post Post using characters instead of text Time delay in between posts Those are the big 4 factors that I know on getting your posts up on Craigslist that UBot can handle.
  9. Yes you can make bots for it. Posting is really simple with it. I would just use proxies for each post and it works great.
  10. Deleted all my PM's So now I can take 50 more
  11. Maybe match up your IE settings. That can play a huge role into this.
  12. Pretty funny you posted that. Before I bought the software this was one of my ideas that I never followed through. But you are spot on that this model would work.
  13. Thanks. Think this is a billion times easier being a moderator vs at Digital Point. Maybe because I haven't had to moderate anything here too.
  14. You can possibly make a batch file that runs the executable and run the batch file from the shell command. Not sure if it would make a difference but is worth a shot. Just seems odd that it wouldn't work the other way.
  15. Glad I didn't do what I was planning on doing yesterday. Which was to make something very similar. I was going to make it for licenses and not really for login/password but it's pretty much the same thing. Guess it saves me some work now, thanks. BTW - I fixed your link. It was broken.
  16. Math.Floor? Wheres the list of all these Jim?
  17. Is it possible to browse to the frame results and enter the search term in the URL? www.privatesite.com/framedresults.php$searchterm=i+want+to+scrape+this
  18. Ya right now I am doing all the basic stuff which is probably covered in JS. But I am going to get into the stuff that JS really can't handle soon.
  19. Whoops. Good call. I will make them unique and make the output easy to scrape. You can choose by value. That is unique now.
  20. I am making a bunch of functions this weekend so we can add some PHP functions. You can see the current page I am working on here http://www.ubottutorials.com/php/index.php I usually work live so you might see some errors. If you have any suggestions on what else to add for simple functions that you can't do with UBot let me know and I will add them. Only added about 10 tonight and I have at least 10 more in mind. When I am done I will share the .php file so you can upload to your server if you wanted to use it for your bots.
  21. FYI "Live HTTP Headers" plugin for FF is great for all of this. It shows exactly what is being passed on the URL for everything you do. So you can pretty much figure any problem out like this.
  22. This weekend I should be making my PHP addon for this. One of the functions I am planning on doing is character length. But you might be able to do this with javascript too. Just not familiar with it.
  23. To refresh a page you can run this javascript command window.location.reload()
  24. What it will do is open the bot and hit play. So whatever happens when you open your .ubot and hit play is what it will do. I only have 1 script per .ubot file so I really wouldn't have your issue and I doubt you can tell it which one to run by the command line. You can always program it in the .ubot on where to start.
  25. I always run into this. Problem is you can use a list as you said and need to change it to a variable. Only way I know how to do this is to save the list to a file and then read it into a variable. Then you can use it.
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