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Everything posted by v_ladimir

  1. I bought the product in market Where I can download it?
  2. Try this: add list to list(%NewData,$find regular expression("green blue red yellow","\\w+"),"Delete","Global") With Helloinsomnia example: add list to list(%NewData,$find regular expression("green, ,blue,red, ,yellow, ,purple","\\w+"),"Delete","Global")
  3. Can somebody help? How I can run python 3 thru ironpython via subprocess?
  4. I working with 5.9.19. It's good for me
  5. It is a very good news Where is the line in the script with ssh 22 port? When I try to change the port in /etc/ssh/sshd_config, the server not available? What rights rule to folders must be to security? 644 for all files and folders?
  6. Thanks. Can I integrate the plugin with membership sistem? For example MemberPress or WooCommerce Memberships? https://www.memberpress.com/ https://www.woothemes.com/products/woocommerce-memberships/
  7. I'm sorry for question. I install locker to new server. 1. installed meter's UbotLocker 2. installed LockerEx 3. Deleted all .php 4. Installed Unleashed And I see http://savepic.ru/9889185.png Where is paypal?
  8. Ok. Local time in proxy and system time in OS is different It's bad How to make when using proxies from different countries, had the opportunity to transfer the system time are identical proxy time? In one thread I can change my system time. But how I can do it in multi thread?
  9. Hello. What is the difference between $date & $now?
  10. Hello. When I try to test the script, the web site www.whoer.net shows different times between the proxy server and the computer. How can I solve this problem? Of course I can rearrange the system time on the computer, but in multithread it would be impossible.
  11. Can anybody explain what is Bionic API I do not understand why it is used.Can someone give an analogy?
  12. Hello Aymen Whare I can find links for plagins? Previous link does not work
  13. OK. Am i right? 1. I don't need some else plagin 2. Can you link to Python 101 forum
  14. Hello. Ubot 5.9.19 has python plagin If I will use python 3 Do I need something else? For example Ubot Studio – Python Execute Plugin http://www.botguru.net/ubot-studio-python-compiler-plugin/
  15. Hello. I paidWhat the best parameters for a server?Is it ok?100GB Disk Space 2000GB Bandwidth @ 1Gbit Port Speed 1GB Guaranteed DDR3 RAM 1GB vSwap RAM 2 CPUs Core
  16. Hello.Every program in tray has english name.For example:Skype (В сети) Skype (some german) Skype (some chinese) Can plagin use regex for this? .*variable Program name.*
  17. Hello pash Thank you for update But it's the problem with pageant run python("from subprocess import * call(\'Start {$special folder("Application")}\\pageant.exe\', shell=True)") plugin command("Advanced Screen and Windows.dll", "window restore from system tray", "Pageant (PuTTY authentication agent)") http://s18.postimg.org/9h6xkm5ax/image.png
  18. How I can get row from table: name:surname:email and put it to var name = "" var surname= "" var email= "" regards
  19. Hello pash. I tried to use your plugin, but to no avail run python("from subprocess import * call(\'Start {$special folder("Application")}\\pageant.exe\', shell=True)") comment("Not work") plugin command("Advanced Screen and Windows.dll", "window size/position set", "Pageant Key List", "#32770", 0, 0, 1920, 1030, "Show Window") plugin command("Advanced Screen and Windows.dll", "windows to top", "Processes Name", "Pageant Key List", "#32770") I need move programm (pageant.exe) from system tray to active window Is it possible?
  20. Hello pash. When I start programm (pageant.exe) it open only in system tray. How I can move it from system tray to active window? run python("from subprocess import * call(\'Start {$special folder("Application")}\\pageant.exe\', shell=True)") comment("Not work") plugin command("WindowsCommands.dll", "set active window", "Pageant Key List", "#32770") //Pageant (an SSH authentication agent for PuTTY, PSCP, PSFTP, and Plink)
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