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Everything posted by clintk

  1. Hi Abass, Thanks for the reply. Sorry, I don't Skype, You are reading the Hardware ID of the machine, then giving a licence based on that ID, surely then, it's easy enough for the hardware ID to be matched to the licence WITHIN the plugin rather than calling home to check? I know you wouldn't want your key to be given but it could be encrypted couldn't it? I can see the reason for the licencing on the plugin but I don't want my compiled bots to be reliant on an external server. That could cause MAJOR headaches for me from my customers if your server went down for some reason. Is it us
  2. This is a tool for creating the bot, I don't see why a licence has to be included with the compiled bot. Surely it is enough to licence/protect the tool? Please consider this Clint
  3. I have now purchased and installed this. Just to be clear, am I now reliant on two licence servers? one for Ubot and one for this plugin? And if so, does that mean my compiled bots will need to contact the plugin server before they will work as it states that the licence must be included with a compiled bot? Clint
  4. Hi Abbas, 9 hours have passed since I replied with my hardware ID. Can I have my plugin please? Thanks, Clint
  5. Am I correct in thinking the php plugin will execute php script from within the bot on the client's machine without the need to be server side? Clint
  6. Has anyone tried this. does it slow things down? should I buy it to add to Ubot even though I have no use for the features at the moment? I am still building my first bot but am definitely going to continue with Ubot. Any comment would be appreciated. Clint
  7. If it's your variable "smart" the determines the name of the email account can't you take the content of "smart" at the time of creation and append .mailparser.jo to it? Then there would be no need to scrape.
  8. I never thought of that, Thanks for your advice
  9. I am still building my first bot as a way of learning ubot. I am building a cpanel backup and restore bot but although I am able to do most of the things required, my bot depends on the correct information being inputted by the user. How do I catch errors such as incorrect username etc? Can anyone point me in the direction of a tutorial for this or, better still, some source code for me to look at, I will pay if need be. I have looked in the bot bank but none of these seem to try to trap errors, do I need to? Thanks, Clint I think I have solved this, I took the URL and compared it to
  10. Does anyone know if I can install V4 and V5 on the same machine? I need to use V4 because of a bug in V5 but I want to use the UI creator in V5. Is that possible?, I mean, to create a unique UI design in V5 and use it in a V4 bot? Thanks, Clint
  11. So true, I am not knocking it, it just makes it much harder to learn if you are not sure if it's your coding or the software at fault. You can spend hours re-coding trying to solve a problem only to find that it's a bug in the software. I will use V4 for now but I am definitely looking forward to a reliable V5 Clint
  12. I have only recently purchased and went straight into V5. I set myself a project in order to learn and have struggled trying to get things to behave as I thought they should. Eventually, in desperation, I asked for V4 to try and lo and behold, it all works as expected. V5 made my learning curve much steeper and much more frustrating. I will also be sticking with V4 until I hear V5 is stable As much as I understand the need for beta testing to iron out bugs, I didn't buy it to be a beta tester so, I'm afraid I will have to leave that for others. Clint
  13. Thanks for your interest Dan, I have looked and it seems it is a known bug in V5. I have asked for V4 to be put in my members panel. Thanks again, Clint
  14. Hi, I am hoping someone can help me with the following please... I am trying to build a simple (well I thought it was) bot just as a learning aid. What I wanted to do was have a text box for the site name another for the username and another for the password, these are then held in variables and used when the bot runs to log into the site's cpanel, this all works fine. Then I am able to have the bot navigate to the backup wizard and select an sql backup, then navigate to where I select the actual sql database, I can do this too, I have overcome the problem of the session changing each ti
  15. Many thanks blumi40I guess I'll just have to try to learn it from scratch Clint
  16. Is this still available? I want it to learn from. The link above is dead and this is not listed on his available bots on his new site, I have sent him a request via the site contact form but have received no reply. Will it work with V5? Anyone have this that they want to sell me? Clint
  17. Well here's the php file that calls the JS www.telexfree.com/bo/app/config/Authentic.php If anyone can get that downloaded you might be able to look at how it is put together? Clint And here's the content of the js box Loading, please wait...<script type="text/javascript">alert("Please enter your username and password!");window.location = "http://www.telexfree.com/login?resource=";</script> And here's the content (in html) of the page that calls the js box <BODY><H1 ALIGN=Center>Index of locally available sites:</H1><TABLE BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%
  18. clintk

    cpanel access

    Didn't need to. it was a problem with the nut holding the mouse!
  19. clintk

    cpanel access

    I feel such a fool! I forgot to press the run button! Clint
  20. Gee, now I feel a fool. I forgot to hit the run button! I will now go and thrash myself with a holly branch
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