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Everything posted by gabel

  1. http://pinterest.botswiz.com/images/thread/2/SALESTHREADPSD2_01.pnghttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LnNBCLARd8 http://pinterest.botswiz.com/images/thread/2/SALESTHREADPSD2_05.png http://pinterest.botswiz.com/images/thread/2/SALESTHREADPSD_09.png http://pinterest.botswiz.com/images/thread/2/SALESTHREADPSD2_07.png
  2. hey , did some changes and this code should work on all the pages ( tested it on a few hundred pages ) add item to list(%likes, " {$find regular expression($scrape attribute(<outerhtml=w"<div class=\"fbTimelineNavigation\" id=\"*</div>">, "outerhtml"), "(?<= stats fwb\\\"\\>).*(?=\\<\\/span\\>\\<\\/td\\>)")}", "Delete", "Global")
  3. Here you go: add item to list(%likes, " {$find regular expression($scrape attribute(<outerhtml=w"<a class=\"tab\" href=\"http://www.facebook.com/*/likes\">*</a>">, "outerhtml"), "(?<=fwb\\\"\\>).*(?=\\<\\/span\\>\\<\\/td\\>)")}", "Delete", "Global") let me know how it works
  4. just re-tested that piece of code and works just fine with your example url . here's another piece of code to use with google mobile search navigate("http://www.google.ie/m/search?q=english+school+site%3Afacebook.com%2F+&pbx=1&aq=f&oq=&aqi=-k0d0t0&fkt=1127&fsdt=1933&cqt=&rst=&htf=&his=&maction=&dc=gorganic&source=mobileproducts&ltoken=af3626f8", "Wait") add list to list(%urls, $find regular expression($scrape attribute(<outerhtml=w"<a class=*href=\"http://www.facebook.com/*">, "outerhtml"), "http:\\/\\/www\\.facebook\\.com\\/.
  5. this should do it add list to list(%urls, $find regular expression($scrape attribute(<outerhtml=w"<a href=\"http://www.facebook.com/*">, "outerhtml"), "http:\\/\\/www\\.facebook\\.com.*(?=\\\" class\\=)"), "Don\'t Delete", "Global")
  6. i got one almost done , except the email creation/verification but that can easily be added . let me know if you`re interested
  7. SSMonkey , you`re the first one that complains about the creator, can you hit me up on skype so i can look into this? the most common issue for bad results are slow/dead proxies so make sure you`re proxies are alive and that they support https protocol.
  8. thanks for answering this one DuaneF @dmarketing no it doesn't store it, there were no requests for this features so it wasn't added
  9. have you tried the change attribute command ?
  10. i`m using multi-threading and proxies + dbc in all my bots but never had that problem. are you using private proxies? had a client that had problems with dbc because of his private proxies ( can't remember where he got them from ) so you might want to try different proxies.
  11. i got an invite generator and an fully automated account creator
  12. hey sent you a PM , you can also find my contact details in my profile thanks
  13. I`ve decided to give 2 review copy to some reputed members in exchange of their honest review, will keep you posted.
  14. Create Bulk Gmail Accounts 100% automatically Start creating unlimited number of gmail PVA accounts on the fly. Here are some of the features: -Phone Number creation and Gmail Verification -Powerful account generation support ( you don’t need to do anything ) -Proxy & Captcha Support (Decaptcher.com, Bypasscaptcha, Deathbycaptcha and manual captcha) -Emulates human behavior -Uses Random User-Agent from a built-in list to avoid any footprints The bot sets the the spam filter to 0 , so all incoming emails will be redirected to inbox . Update 13-11-2012 Those who bought
  15. hey , thank you all for your feedback , really glad you all like it :-)
  16. ups , seems i`ve missed your post just sent you a PM.
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