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Everything posted by gabel

  1. just tested the installer and seems to work just fine for me
  2. this is amazing , thank you blumi will and the secret coder
  3. if you would read more carefully his post you'd see he already did that kensai i would recommend you to get another licensing system , PG is old and not really protecting. I would recommend you to check meter's system , the best one around.
  4. a version of this will be out on sale soon, been really busy with other projects . will keep you updated
  5. you could do it like this set list position(%email, 0) loop($list total(%email)) { set(#email_to_use, $next list item(%email), "Global") navigate("http://anonymouse.org/anonemail.html", "Wait") wait($rand(4, 9)) type text(<name="to">, #email_to_use, "Standard") wait(4) type text(<name="subject">, #sub, "Standard") wait($rand(4, 9)) type text(<name="text">, #message, "Standard") wait($rand(3, 6)) click(<value="Send Anonymously">, "Left Click", "No") wait($rand(65, 75)) }
  6. quick example set(#text, "Unlike other clunky, bloated automation suites, UBot Studio has a clean, simple, drag-and-drop interface that works with you, not against you, allowing point-and-click automation on any website, without requiring you to become a programmer to use it.", "Global") alert($text length(#text)) set(#test2, $substring(#text, 0, 140), "Global") alert($text length(#test2))
  7. haven't had time to look at this to much but a quick fix would be to add in the loop after the post increment the following code if($comparison(#pos, "=", #totalloops)) { then { set(#purcentage, 100, "Global") set(#progressbar, "width: {#purcentage}%", "Global") } else { } }
  8. do you guys don't usually check when the post was created ?
  9. something quick i came up with would be ui text box("Delete Word From List", #deleteword) add list to list(%test, $list from text("my cat is very cool", $new line), "Delete", "Global") set(#stopme, 0, "Global") set(#pos, 0, "Global") loop while($comparison(#stopme, "=", 0)) { if($comparison($list item(%test, #pos), "=", #deleteword)) { then { remove from list(%test, #pos) set(#stopme, 1, "Global") } else { increment(#pos) } } } This works if the word you're looking to remove shows up only once in the list . If it sh
  10. well i`ve checked the variables in the debugger and they are changing just fine , maybe you have something wrong in another part of your code?
  11. i tested the code and the variables where set just fine if that's what you want to do
  12. gabel

    Captcha issue.

    my pleasure guys
  13. gabel

    Captcha issue.

    you`re grabbing the captcha src incorrect , should be like this type text(<name="recaptcha_response_field">, $solve captcha(<src=w"http://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/image?c=*">), "Standard")
  14. don't think this is something worth laughing about , some people might just not have the time . let's keep the threads on their subject and avoid making useless comments like this
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