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Posts posted by quickregister

  1. I am using version 6.18. My compiled bots work fine on my home Windows 10 Pro. When I put them on a Windows 10 VPS or a Windows 2019 Server the compiled bots will not launch. I have tried deleting the browser folder even the whole Ubot Studio folder and re-downloading the files. I have also tried copy and pasting the browser folders to the VPS. Sttil no go.


    If I run the bots compiled using version 4 they open up fine. The bots compiled using 6.18 DO work on  some versions of windows server 2012. I also downloaded all the latest windows updates as suggested on other posts.


    Any ideas? Thank you.

  2. I am trying to log into this site using http post


    Here is the code I have



    set(#freeglobalget, $plugin function("HTTP post.dll", "$http get", "http://www.freeglobalclassifiedads.com/user/login", "Mozilla", "http://www.freeglobalclassifiedads.com/user/login", "", ""), "Global")
    load html(#freeglobalget)
    set(#CSRFName, $find regular expression(#freeglobalget, "(?<=CSRFName\\\'\\ value\\=\\\').*(?=\\\'\\ \\/\\>)"), "Global")
    set(#CSRFToken, $find regular expression(#freeglobalget, "(?<=name\\=\\\'CSRFToken\\\'\\ value\\=\\\').*(?=\\\'\\ \\/\\>)"), "Global")
    load html($plugin function("HTTP post.dll", "$http post", "http://www.freeglobalclassifiedads.com", "CSRFName={#CSRFName}&CSRFToken={#CSRFToken}&page=login&action=login_post&email=info%40mydomain.com&password=mypassword", "", "", "", ""))
    navigate("http://www.freeglobalclassifiedads.com", "Wait")



    I am successfully scrapting the CSRFNAME and CSRFToken however whenever I run the

    post I get Invalid CSRFToken


    This is because this token is dynamically changed every time

    a page is loaded or there is a post.


    I need a way to scrape the CSRFname and CSRFToken at the

    exact same time as I run the post.


    Does anybody have any ideas?



  3. That worked for the text I gave you however actually I need to extract from this text:

    <html><head></head><body><p>Hi Matt,</p><p>Please validate your registration by clicking on the following link: <a href="http://www.bestinjurylawyerusa.com/classifieds/user/activate/12/97OZ8FEq">http://www.bestinjurylawyerusa.com/classifieds/user/activate/12/97OZ8FEq</a></p><p>Thank you!</p><p>Regards,</p><p><a href="http://www.bestinjurylawyerusa.com/classifieds/">Bestinjurylawyerusa Free Classifieds</a></p>

    When I use:


    I get:



    I need:


    I have tried using regex builder 2.0 to give me everything 

    after link: <a href=" and before </a>

    It gives me this: 

    (?<=\<\/a\>).(?=link\:\ \<a\ href\=\")

    Which does not produce any results. Any ideas? Thank you.

  4. I am trying to get the url from this line in a table I have saved. Here is the line I want the url from:

    Please validate your registration by clicking on the following link: <a href=""http://www.bestinjurylawyerusa.com/classifieds/user/activate/11/Ha9XdOM8"">

    I want everything after :

    Please validate your registration by clicking on the following link: <a href=""

    and everything before:

    "" >


    To give me:


    I used the Regex Builder 2.0 to get this regex code


    (?<=" >)(?=Please\ validate\ your\ registration\ by\ clicking\ on\ the\ following\ link\:\ \<a\ href\=\"\")


    However, I do not get anything when I run this code:

    clear list(%verification emails)
        set(#temp row, 0, "Global")
        loop($table total rows(&emails)) {
            add item to list(%verification emails, $find regular expression($list from text($table cell(&emails, #temp row, 5), $new line), "(?<=\" >)(?=Please\\ validate\\ your\\ registration\\ by\\ clicking\\ on\\ the\\ following\\ link\\:\\ \\<a\\ href\\=\\\"\\\")"), "Delete", "Global")
            increment(#temp row)

    Anybody have an idea what I am missing? 


    When I use http://*/user/activate/*/* as the regex expression it does give me the url in this format


    Not sure how to get rid of the:

    " >http://www.bestinjurylawyerusa.com/classifieds/user/activate/

    Any help would be appreciated.  Thank you!

  5. Thank you. Your addition worked. However, I had given you the wrong information to make the regex code from.

    I got the info from the http headers but I really needed to get it from the html source code.


    So the code that worked for one of the variables ended up being.

    (?<=CSRFName\'\ value\=\').*(?=\'\ \/\>) 

    Because I needed to take it from here:

    <input type='hidden' name='CSRFName' value='CSRF1103754532_1655122622' />

    Also, I sent you an email about your regex builder which I just bought.


    I noticed that there was not a place for "target" as in the videos.


    Is there another way I can define the target using the software?


    Thank you for your help. I really appreciate it!



  6. I am trying to do a http post to log into a site.

    Below is what I got from live http headers


    CSRFName=CSRF1103754532_791906178&CSRFToken=8687482b73766e6d88494351e4ee362f118d103d36d93e2855a79056449754f9f8ea5ebe9e96b4673bad22076774ec85d8c7d7f5b4c4cdd3bd577f2921ee7eab&page=login&action=login_post&email=info%40mydomain.com&password=password: undefined

    I need to be able to extract the CSRFName

    and the CSRFToken using regex and save it to a list.


    The part I am stuck on is extracting the CSRFName and CSRFToken

    in order to put those variables in the http post.


    I tried using this (?<=CSRFName\=).(?=\&CSRFToken)


    To get the CSRFName.

    Not working.


    If somebody could point me in the direction I would really appreciate it.


    The site I am trying to log into is http://www.freeglobalclassifiedads.com/user/login


    Thank you.


  7. Thank you Abbas.

    The url is




    I looked at the http headers of a successful submission I did manually and I found

    a Get for this url



    I tried doing a http get with the url after your code successfully solved the captcha but not sure

    if it worked.


    Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks.

  8. I am using the recaptcha code from Abbas which works great.


    However, on some forms there is no submit button to click after the

    code solves the captcha.


    I have http post plugin.


    Does anybody know what code to use to submit the solved captcha

    after it has been solved when there is not submit button?


    I am using 2captcha.


    Maybe it could be done with javascript?




    Thank you.very much

  9. I am trying to post a reply to a contact form using the http post plugin.


    I used live http headers on Firefox to get this code the headers.




    POST /index.php?a=13&b=6600493 HTTP/1.1
    Host: websiteurl.com
    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64; rv:56.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/56.0
    Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
    Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    Content-Length: 408
    Referer: https://websiteurl.com/index.php?a=13&b=6600493
    Cookie: __utma=88518477.1289142651.1510187212.1510261163.1510266845.6; __utmz=88518477.1510187212.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); classified_session=aca13cfd60adb6d10d8d9d8ae7933818; __utmc=88518477; __utmb=88518477.10.10.1510266845
    Connection: keep-alive
    Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
    c%5Bsenders_name%5D=Mary&c%5Bsenders_email%5D=test%40gmail.com&c%5Bsenders_phone%5D=&c%5Bsenders_comments%5D=sounds+interesting.&recaptcha_challenge_field=03AHhf_5288d7w9e_tBp2h_qqIuyuDVfNNnenQK7SaJAHZ6sJ4f4Jd0k_NMywTiA-wpJyB7FJ8xRnPvwtQaYgcCOwDsrxOooe7icmZj6jKC6N8FZMLLa684xevEKS3IKnhd7S_vo2w27rSfEx6Eq1kxAjqbhd7_aJxllx-9f_V8SnlvKt4yBsT_oLKXyUaZ7FrQps2gyMPoh_l&recaptcha_response_field=&submit=Send+Message: undefined


    I used this code in http post plugin




    set(#post$plugin function("HTTP post.dll""$http post""https://websiteurl.com/index.php?a=13&b=2516777
    ""senders_name=Max&senders_email=test@gmail.com&senders_phone=na&senders_comments=Nicely+done&submit=Send+Message"$plugin function("HTTP post.dll""$http useragent string""Random"), "websiteurl.com""", 3), "Global")
    load html(#post)


    I keep getting the error message "Invalid URI: The hostname could not be parsed."


    I see where the host name is in the headers but I do not know how to pass on this info.

    (I do not care about the captcha at this point I am just trying to get this to post even if it is rejected)


    Does anybody have any ideas?


    Thank you!

  10. Thank you Abbas. I have downloaded the updated samples and they work both on the sample and on my bot. I was surprised that the change was just

    set(#GoogleSiteKey$scrape attribute(<class="g-recaptcha">"data-sitekey") without the regex. Thank you for your quick support.

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