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Posts posted by firefox29

  1. The current issue I need help with is when trying to use Scrape Attribute to get the first returned result. 

    In the screen shot below that would be the 1st loaded company which was Sony. I'm looking to get the sony.com.

    I tried selecting it but keep getting a Offset, which when I run the next company can move and no longer works, how should I proceed?



    Any help will be greatly appreciated, 


    Thank you for your time.



  2. Helloinsomina, 


    We have another site we would like to do this too, we were wondering how you found the "Containers" <class=*mod-*>  We've tried designating the scrape from all over the page and are unable to find the same starting point that's listed under your "Advanced Element editor:" Any help would be greatly appreciated, also is there any training sites you would suggest so that we can build our skills with Ubot?



    Edit: seems I'm too slow today  :P  but I'll leave it here anyways.


    You will need to add them to a list or table or something but this should get you pretty far:

    wait for browser event("Everything Loaded","")
    wait for element(<id="logo-footer">,"","Appear")
    clear list(%containers)
    add list to list(%containers,$scrape attribute(<class=w"*mod-*">,"innerhtml"),"Don\'t Delete","Global")
    loop($list total(%containers)) {
        set(#url,$find regular expression($next list item(%containers),"(?<=href=\\\").*?(?=\\\")"),"Global")
        set(#website,$scrape attribute(<class="WebsiteURL">,"fullhref"),"Global")
  3. We need your help expert ubot users.

    We would like to scrape the urls from all the 821 companies show on this site below.



    Seen in the screen shots it requires to click on the company, scroll a bit down and off to the right is the "Website" which if clicked takes you to the company website.

    What would be the best way to scrape all 821 companies websites of this page?





    Thank you for any help we greatly appreciate your time.


  4. Hi I've been trying to login to Salesforce using Ubot, and I'm getting this error "Stronger Security is required". For more information see Salesforce disabling TLS 1.0.

    Here is the link they supplied: https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=000221207&type=1


    I tried disabling the TLS 1.0 on my chrome browser but what you can see with the screen shots, even though I disabled it on my regular browser which is running Chrome 56, see screen shot below.

    The ubot chrome is running 21.


    Do I need to upgrade my browser on Ubot and if so how?  

    Or is there a different resolve, please advise any help will be greatly appreciated. 


    Thank you







  5. I'm unable to scrape a website table using "scrape a table" so I used "add list to list" with "scrape attribute".

    I'm able to get the data I want this way but it list it like this:


    Row: 0





    Row 1






    When I would like it to be in a table format like this:

    Column 1: Name

    Column 2: Address

    Column 3: Company


    So I can export it with the information listed across the excel page via Columns and not down the page in rows.


    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

  6. Jane thank you for the quick detailed response I really appreciate it, you rock!!  Here is the error I got when trying to use the code on CMD.

    Do you know what I should do to fix this? Because from what I can tell when I right click on my my documents properties it's read only.  And when I unclick it apply then hit ok, when I go back to it it's still read only.  But when I right click the Computer Icon, go to secuirty and then permissions it says I have FULL Control.


  7. Hi I registered, and I'm interested in finding out how much in total it costs for the training for all videos, also I have the standard version of Ubot Studio, is it benificial to purchase the 300+ ubot source code bot? And why?

    Please let me know as soon as possible I would like to purchase ASAP once I know what I get for what price.


    Thank you,

  8. Hi Kreatus, we purchased the Youtubeblaster pro for $59 on 8/14/2013.  Receipt # ****-****-****3928

    We've been slammed with work and haven't had a chance to check it out.

    I checked with my boss who purchased it and we've not received an email with the licence on it only the Paypal confirmation that we paid.

    I've sent you an email today at support@custombotsolutions.com with a screen shot of the order and the receipt number.

    Please send the licience number as soon as you can we would like to use this on our next project.  We will post a review shortly after.


    Thank you,

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