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Everything posted by IRobot

  1. It may help if you provide more than a vague description. What's the size of the scripts? When does the freeze happen? Screenshots, etc... Read here: Bug reports without reproduction instructions will be deleted Bug Report Forum Rules - Read Before Posting
  2. Please read the bot buying/selling guidelines, and amend your post above accordingly: http://ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/5049-bot-buying-selling-guidelines/
  3. Your call whether you wish to ask for a refund, but before you get too hasty in your actions, I'd suggest getting the facts right first, which are: 1. Ubot is updated regularly. See: http://ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/5008-list-of-past-updates-of-ubot-studio/ 2. The standard Ubot version can and does everything that's stated on the sales page. 3. The Developer and Pro versions are designed for those who wish to take development to the next level, including sockets and multithreading capabilities. See: http://ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/4894-a-perfect-solution-to-ui/
  4. The either qualifier will have placeholders under it, i.e. you need one either and underneath it place each letter in a placeholder.
  5. Not sure what you mean by 'web pages' - you may mean URL's. The contains qualifier can do what was outlined in post #1. Yes, assuming you loop through a list of URL's and need to check that each URL contains 'www.test.com/user.php', do the following: Loop ($list total: %URLs) if contains Container: $next list item (%URLs) Search Text: www.test.com/user.php then do stuff...
  6. I'm running the latest FF version: 3.6.12, and have no problems viewing these forums. If your FF is set to auto-update, then it may have triggered something inadvertently (e.g. version incompatible with an installed FF add-on or plug-in). If it was me, I'd try uninstalling* and reinstalling FF or even rolling back to a previous version. * Backing up bookmarks, etc. if required.
  7. Yes mate, Search for the section: "The Contains Qualifier" here: http://www.ubotblog.com/
  8. DjProg, Have you tried: 1. the Close All Dialogs command? or 2. Ubot > File > Preferences > Block popups? If still not working, do you have an example URL?
  9. Have a look here: http://ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/4058-clicking-on-links-in-yahoo-emails/page__hl__yahoo__fromsearch__1
  10. Use the contains command.
  11. IRobot

    Save to file

    If you mean save to a new file, then just use another file name and/or path.
  12. The textbox fields from the Ubot playground, e.g. http://ubotstudio.com/playground/simpleform.aspx work Ok for me. Which URL/fields are you trying to drag and drop?
  13. Depends on how you choose the items. If choosing by attribute > innerhtml, you can add it to a list and get the required info.
  14. Hi mfirth, To read a text file, try: add to list List: %alist Content: $list from file (File: ...)
  15. Hey Tum, Flash support will be in Ubot Pro, which should be available soon.
  16. No, not recommended (I believe it's possible if you included the BASE in BUILD, but this type of circular calling should be avoided). One solution in your case would be to have a LOAD bot, and include it in both BASE and BUILD. Another solution would be to have a Load Sub in BUILD and call it from both bots.
  17. If you need to get the number of emails in the Gmail Inbox, then they can be scraped from the relevant section.
  18. Hey RayMue, I'd suggest the tutorials here: http://ubotstudio.com/tutorials.aspx # Tutorial 7 - Lists Tutorial (New Version) # Working With Lists # Working With CSV Files
  19. If it's not available now, it will be in the Pro/Developer versions - which will be out soon. I also think Lilly's list of resources are a very useful starting point for any Ubot beginner, who may not know where to start.
  20. Unless that 'somebody' is telepathic you will need to provide a URL...
  21. Then you will need to specify where you wish the list to begin using the set list position command.
  22. If you manually click an email 'link' in gmail it does not select the last email, so it's likely you are selecting the wrong attributes.
  23. You will need to use a parameter to pass the #email in a sub to the confirmation bot. register bot include: confirmation bot run sub: SetEmail parameter #email confirmation bot sub: SetEmail parameter #email
  24. If the page was scrapable, then yes.
  25. There doesn't seem to be a problem with the file name test.jpg in the post#2 bot: - unless you mean the actual file.
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