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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/28/16 in all areas

  1. Cool! Thanks for the cleanup! And glad to learn that you can actually use javascript in your UI labels. I see. Javascript is pretty awesome! I only know a bit of the basics. Need to start studying up on it so I can use it more. By the way, your Eval UI HTML trick is pretty ninja!
    1 point
  2. EDIT,CHANGED THE CODE CURLY BRACKET MISTAKE Nice, I often think of very difficult ways to solve easy problems lol,my biggest downfall based on your suggestion I have just cleaned up the code a little, Dont wory about infinite loops,Javascript is full of "Magic" ie dynamics that the coder doesnt even need to know/worry about, it will wait for a second,but also leave you free to use the UI and not freeze it,and when it has a chance it will then execute the setTimeout function <script> window.onload=function() { for(var x = 0;x < document.querySelectorAll(".uielement").
    1 point
  3. Based on your code, I was experimenting with another approach. Basically, what I tried was, if the height of the scrollbar changes, then scroll to the bottom. If not, then do nothing. But I couldn't get it to work for some reason. *EDIT* I finally got it to work! Yeah! Here's my editing of the code: Took me a few hours, but glad I managed to figure it out. Though I'm not sure if this is good implementation or not, but it seems to be working so far. It only scrolls to the bottom when the ScrollHeight of the Scrollbar changes. If not, then it doesn't do anything. And I can scroll up a
    1 point
  4. yeah that would happen alright it basically scrolls to the bottom every second,what you would need to do is see if the area is focused then do not refresh,otherwise refresh,bit late over here maybe I might try tomorrow to get the HTML of the UI check out a thread I posted on eval in the UI,add this to your UI ui button("Button 5 <input id=\"inputEval\" onChange=\" this.value = eval(this.value)\"></input>") { } in the box type,document.body.innerHTML that will get you the innerHTML of the UI
    1 point
  5. Deliter, I managed to fix the code to make it work I think. The problem was it was too wide for me. That's why it messed up the spacing. So I changed the style.width Here's my reworked code: <script> window.onload=function() { for(var x = 0;x < document.querySelectorAll(".uielement").length;x++) { if(document.querySelectorAll(".uielement")[x].style.width==="400px") { document.querySelectorAll(".uielement")[x].style.boxSizing =""; document.querySelectorAll(".uielement")[x].style.width ="200px"; document.querySel
    1 point
  6. Pash has a new plugin for windows commands. You can open a browser easily enough, and then maybe use his plugin to manipulate it. I haven't tried it yet, but it is on my agenda. I also have ExBrowser, which is a very powerful plugin.... you have options
    1 point
  7. Darryls GUI Hero makes this sort of stuff real easy on you. I honestly couldn't function without it.
    1 point
  8. Okay, I suppose you could do it this way: ui list box("Site:","www.google,www.bing",#site) ui list box("Location:",".com,.ca,.co.uk,.mx",#location) if($comparison(#site,"=",$nothing)) { then { alert("Please choose a site first.") stop script } else { } } if($comparison(#location,"=",$nothing)) { then { alert("Please choose a location first.") stop script } else { } }
    1 point
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