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  1. use "comparison" if($comparison(#tcode, "=", $nothing)) { then { } else { change attribute(<name="trackingCode">, "value", #tcode) } }
    2 points
  2. 2nd time I have done this just to check for something, not realizing I should of put a stop script command in there... If you don't know what's going on here, I ran the node which would be an infinite loop since in the current browser, the element in fact $exists, so I basically can't do anything else, no saving, no modifying ... You get it though. http://puu.sh/j5fnC/82fe503f24.png
    1 point
  3. haha. thanks mate. I think i need to go take a nap.
    1 point
  4. yeah, its bad code, not sure if there are many members would use that technique,
    1 point
  5. easy fix found 1. create .bat file with the command below taskkill /f /im WerFault.exe 2. Use Windows Task Scheduler to Run it every 10 minutes All the best! a
    1 point
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