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How can I pause and restart a bot manually?

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I am new with ubot so I have a lot to learn, I cannot get it to fill out the forms dynamically like I want to so I am filling them out manually and having ubot do everything else. I need to be able to pause ubot indefinitely and have a resume button to pick up where I left off. The pause button just stops ubot where it is and then I can step through the rest.


setting up a wait and putting a seconds counter isnt going to work for me at this time. I attempted to make a UI button but I couldn't figure out how to make it pause. Anything that I can do ?

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Another way, depending if you are using a loop, is to add a wait command at the end for any amount of time (like 300 is 5 minutes etc). But that is really only effective if you just want time delays between iterations. Kreatus has provided the solution for the actual pause function.



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