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Post message to multiply

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As topic title says, can anyone help me how to post content body /text/ inside of the multiply blog posting?


There is no "choose by atribute" to choose from, and I am pretty much lost with java and irames? /maybe/.


Thanks a lot.


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Two things.


1. Can you update your profile so we can see what version of UBot you have. Some commands are dependent on certain versions.


2. Can you post your bot as well the sites you are trying to set this up on.


While it may seem that the posting box is pretty simple. Not all sites are the same so solutions could vary.

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Two things.


1. Can you update your profile so we can see what version of UBot you have. Some commands are dependent on certain versions.


2. Can you post your bot as well the sites you are trying to set this up on.


While it may seem that the posting box is pretty simple. Not all sites are the same so solutions could vary.



1.Using PRO version.


2.trying to post message into multiply blog.


here is bot I made so far. Dont know how to add content to post body.


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