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Kinda unrelated to ubot but wondering a thing about advertisement

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I am a total noob when it comes to advertisement.


I am intending to put up a website soon, i am wondering if anyone know of some advertisement i can make money on without having the user press it.

A example would be some banner or something that would pay everytime it gets loaded into the browser by a unique user.

Another thing that could work is some popup window with advertisement or so, but they dont need to do anything just close the window and i would still get payed.


Not sure if those exist, think it existed before but that they aint popular becouse the conversion rates are so low.


I intend to earn money on my websites like this:

Files(not copyrighted generally, getting no DMCA host though) from a filehost that they download that gives money. (kinda makes me think if i should actually try to setting one up myself since i think they earn quite much money on it, like i got 40k downloads on hotfile and 210$ for 2 months (that was just a test period, i will scale up those numbers, will put it on fully automatic soon). That is 5.25$ for 1k visits, think more than 1 in 1000 visitors would pay for a premium membership. Sadly i think it would be abit to much to keep control of like if i let others upload files and i pay them i need to prevent them from abusing the system to make me lose money instead of earn money, need to make sure it isnt possible to bypass the download limits etc)


Advertisement from mmdcash, not sure how good they actually are but i think they are probably quite good. Just a link with anchor text to the websites i would promote and hope that some goes through it.


Donation button for paypal/alertpay.


Probably a premium feature but only that adds abit more not that everyone is forced to get, but a very cheap feature so most dont mind to pay for it, around 1-5$.


Want some more advertisement that can earn me money for every visitor.




This will be my first website with advertisement on, hopefully it will be easy to get people to it (got 100s of forums and imageboards to post my website on and they generally allow it since it will be "here is more content" posts. Probably alot of blogs also but havent looked yet)

Also the competitors is just PR0-1 websites for most of the keywords with bad SEO and think their backlinks isnt that great (the first one on 1 keyword had ~400 backlinks where 350+ was from the same website with the same anchor text in that site page footer, that was a PR4 website though), PR 3-4 on some keywords though.

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I would suggest the Warrior Forum for other ideas. I also encourage you to get your Affiliate ID here as well. When you start producing and selling your bots you can also get some affiliate dollars by having Ads on your site as well.

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