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Account Creation Bot Woes

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So I've had UBot for a week now and have been plugging away. My issue at hand in the UBot playground (as I'm learning functionality of the program) plus I bought Beginning REGEX Expressions by Andrew Watt so I'm not a complete idiot as I'm learning...


So I've managed to create my own .txt files for USERNAME, PASSWORD, FIRST NAME, LAST NAME, and Click Button in playground. UBot knows which files I wanted it to create and save to no problem. I set up a loop x50 for each field. The .txt files generate as expected. When I run the secondary script I run into problems.


The program populates all fields as expected in playground, USERNAME, PASSWORD, FIRST, LAST, and Submit button. But that's where I hit the brick wall. Each sub routine is on loop and yet the node doesn't start from the top and begin the next username, password, first, last from my lists... what command am I missing?


Then, I wonder, I've created an individual .txt file for each field. How does one create one .txt file where it combines USERNAME, PASSWORD, FIRST, LAST all on one .txt file? I can't find that in the tutorial and it seems impossible to save different data to .csv....





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So I've had UBot for a week now and have been plugging away. My issue at hand in the UBot playground (as I'm learning functionality of the program) plus I bought Beginning REGEX Expressions by Andrew Watt so I'm not a complete idiot as I'm learning...


So I've managed to create my own .txt files for USERNAME, PASSWORD, FIRST NAME, LAST NAME, and Click Button in playground. UBot knows which files I wanted it to create and save to no problem. I set up a loop x50 for each field. The .txt files generate as expected. When I run the secondary script I run into problems.


The program populates all fields as expected in playground, USERNAME, PASSWORD, FIRST, LAST, and Submit button. But that's where I hit the brick wall. Each sub routine is on loop and yet the node doesn't start from the top and begin the next username, password, first, last from my lists... what command am I missing?


Then, I wonder, I've created an individual .txt file for each field. How does one create one .txt file where it combines USERNAME, PASSWORD, FIRST, LAST all on one .txt file? I can't find that in the tutorial and it seems impossible to save different data to .csv....





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HI - what command are you using to enter the list item - to get the software working from your list you should use $NextListItem


if you want to keep all instances of your account details in one file and have the software pick the correct fields then one thing comes into mind -


You can load a list from text using a comma as a delimiter and then have all your fields in the file seperated by a comma


and then use the next list item to navigate through them and fill them whhere needed


hope this helps





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Yeah, there are so many ways to accomplish this...If you want to save everything in a csv file (which is the way I would do this), here is how you can learn the structure...


1) Open Excel

2) Place your data in the columns (don't use headers)

3) Save the file AS A CSV file no as an .xls file

4) Close Excel, and open the file in a text editor


You will then see how to create the csv file in a text file


I hope that helps




NOTE: The reason I prefer this method is because you can import the csv file directly to a table in UBot (which has the same structure as the spreadsheet view of your csv file)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi John and abs,


I'll definitely use the suggested csv method and see how it works. Separately I'll give abs $NextListItem a try as well.


Thank you for the help.



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