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Download Youtube Video Not Working In Compiled Bot

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I have been working on a bot the past week and am using the download youtube video command, I just found out today after compiling that it is NOT downloading in the compiled bot, only within ubot when its open. Is this a known issue, and what can I do to solve this?

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I have been working on a bot the past week and am using the download youtube video command, I just found out today after compiling that it is NOT downloading in the compiled bot, only within ubot when its open. Is this a known issue, and what can I do to solve this?


Sorry for the late reply, I had been meaning to try helping you with this back in June.


I haven't done any direct experimentation to better determine what's taking place, but I strongly suspect that the mechanism through which UBot Studio is able to download YouTube videos stems from the use of two separate files: youtube-dl.exe and ffmpeg.exe


The interplay between those two files isn't entirely clear to me, and this is speculative on my part. But I'd start by checking to see if the following directory structure exists on your system (replace SYSTEM-USERNAME with the username that's designated on your system):


C:\Users\SYSTEM-USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\UBot Studio\Libraries\ffmpeg\youtube-dl


Assuming for a moment that the aforementioned directory structure exists, and that you have access to both ffmpeg.exe and youtube-dl.exe, then the next thing I'd consider is reading a thread like this one:




It appears to go into copious detail about the use of these two files as a means to achieve the goal of successfully downloading YouTube files. 


Then I'd attempt to see if I could trigger the execution of those files in a way that achieves the goal of downloading a YouTube file.


Sometimes it's undesirable to have "shell" windows opening while your independently compiled bot is running. To potentially solve that problem, you could use a freely available plugin called "Advanced Shell" which includes (as I recall) a "hidden shell" command:




(There's actually a direct download link now, as you'll notice via the original post in the link above, even though the original website that hosted the plugin in exchange for an opt-in is now offline.)


Anyway, I hope this at least helps point you in a direction that yields a favorable outcome.

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