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Table Comparison And Scraping Problem

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Wondering if anyone could help me with a problem I am having.


I am wanting to loop through a table and only scrape Cities if their latitude number (Column 5) is +2.00 more than the row (City) my app is currently on.


So in the table below my original position (#row) is 0 (Adak with has a latitude of 51.88), and I want to scrape the next cities that have a latitude number up to 53.88 which in this case would be:

Adak, Atka, Attu Station, Nikolski, Unalaska

<img src="https://imgur.com/a/PUrFojF">

I can't figure out what I need to qualify (comparison, eval etc) and extract the cities needed.


    clear list(%NearbyCities)
    loop($table total rows(&data)) {
        set(#Plus2,$table cell(&data,#row,5),"Global")
        if($comparison($table cell(&data,#tableloop,5),"> Greater than",#Plus2)) {
            then {
                add item to list(%NearbyCities,$table cell(&data,#tableloop,0),"Don\'t Delete","Global")
            else {
Any ideas?
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create table from file("C:\\ubot sample scripts\\sampletable.txt",&cityElevation)
clear list(%nearby_cities)
set(#max_elevation,$add($table cell(&cityElevation,0,5),2),"Global")
loop($table total rows(&cityElevation)) {
    if($comparison($table cell(&cityElevation,#current_row,5),"<= Less than or equal to",#max_elevation)) {
        then {
            add item to list(%nearby_cities,$table cell(&cityElevation,#current_row,0),"Don\'t Delete","Global")
        else {



this was the table I used -


attu station,alaska,ak,attu staion,ak,52.880
false pass,alaska,ak,false pass,ak,54.85
King cove,alaska,ak,King cove,ak,55.85
I am assuming you want to scrape the city name only?
the logic is as follows - 
We set a variable to = 51.88 + 2
set(#max_elevation,$add($table cell(&cityElevation,0,5),2),"Global")
Then we look at the 'column 5' value of each row - and assert - that it's value should be less than 53.88 or equal to 53.88
 if($comparison($table cell(&cityElevation,#current_row,5),"<= Less than or equal to",#max_elevation))
if yes - add city name - 'column 0'  in this case of the  current row to list.
add item to list(%nearby_cities,$table cell(&cityElevation,#current_row,0),"Don\'t Delete","Global")
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if $list total is => #max results:

    stop script


something like that

This almost got me there but the Stop Script of course stops the primary loop. I need it to exit this 2nd loop if the condition (#maxresults) is met.

Any ideas?

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not sure if this is what you are looking for - 


create table from file("C:\\Users\\ubot sample scripts\\sampletable.txt",&cityElevation)
set(#list total,0,"Global")
clear list(%nearby_cities)
set(#max_elevation,$add($table cell(&cityElevation,0,5),2),"Global")
loop($table total rows(&cityElevation)) {
    if($both($comparison(#list total,"< Less than",#max_results),$comparison($table cell(&cityElevation,#current_row,5),"<= Less than or equal to",#max_elevation))) {
        then {
            add item to list(%nearby_cities,$table cell(&cityElevation,#current_row,0),"Don\'t Delete","Global")
            increment(#list total)
        else {

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This almost got me there but the Stop Script of course stops the primary loop. I need it to exit this 2nd loop if the condition (#maxresults) is met.

Any ideas?


Throw it in a command and use the return command to exit that custom command.

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