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Error Reading Integer. Unexpected Token:boolean Error

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Hi guys, I am trying to create a bot that will scrape whois registrar information from the following site:



It basically takes a list of website URLs and passes them into the site.  Once it does that it will scrape the email address off from the site based on the contact information presented. The bot is fairly simple but I've been running into some bot breaking glitches that won't allow the bot to run past around 1400 results. I can leave the bot on running for several thousand results but after around 1400, it'll stop scrapping the email addresses and saving them onto the .csv file that is outputted. After running some tests, I found the following error window appear:

I don't actually know what this error is but if anyone could help me solve it I would be eternally grateful.  This bot is breaking in several places so any assistance would be greatly appreciated.  I attached my .ubot file if anyone wants to take a look.  Thanks! 

whois registrar scrapper.ubot

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