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Working With Excel And Macros For Reporting

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Hi There!


I automated a lot of my Reporting Work with Ubot. 
But there is just one thing I can´t seem to automate with Ubot.


This is the task I want to automate:

1. Login to a Reporting Tool
2. Download a CSV
3. Open CSV

4. run a Macro to make the report clean and look better

5. save Report as xls

6. Send the new xls to customer via Email


I can Automate step 1 to 3 Step 6 is also very easy.
But I can´t seem to automate Step 4 and 5. 


I was thinking of using Windows Commands, but not sure if this is the right way. 
Can anyone help?

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Hard to say how to clean it up without knowing what you want to clean up. As for xls I personally always save as CSV, people can open that how they wish. Excel should be able to open up CSV files just fine.

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Hi HelloInsomnia,


thanks for your reply. 
I can do some basic formating and it just works fine and helps me automate my stuff. 
But I would like to go a step further and send some styled reports, which can only be done in xls format.

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I ever faced the problem the same.
I have options.


1. online tool

search google "convert csv to excel online"


2. command line

search google "convert csv to excel command line"


3. use plugin

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