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I'm trying to "tweet" on twitter, but the point is: I want to upload 1 picture/tweet, and every time to be a new photo (the next photo from my folder).

How can I do that?

Ex: tweet-1, uploading the pic "1.jpg" from the folder "all.pics"

1. C:\Users\s0mekind\Desktop\TWT\NEW FOLDER\all.pics/1.jpg

2. C:\Users\s0mekind\Desktop\TWT\NEW FOLDER\all.pics/2.jpg


I hope you understand guys...







Thank you,

Edited by s0mekind
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I'm trying to "tweet" on twitter, but the point is: I want to upload 1 picture/tweet, and every time to be a new photo (the next photo from my folder).

How can I do that?

Ex: tweet-1, uploading the pic "1.jpg" from the folder "all.pics"

1. C:\Users\s0mekind\Desktop\TWT\NEW FOLDER\all.pics/1.jpg

2. C:\Users\s0mekind\Desktop\TWT\NEW FOLDER\all.pics/2.jpg


I hope you understand guys...







Thank you,

Here you go



add item to list(%pictures, $get files("{$special folder("Desktop")}/allpics", ""), "Delete", "Global")
loop($list total(%pictures)) {
    change file field(<type=w"file">, $next list item(%pictures))


You can change the image directory if you need to , it currently loads pictures from desktop/allpics

This is just an example , not the whole thing :)

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You can use the $get files function then add the files into a list and use $next list item to get the next picture, here is an example:



Damn beat me to it haha

Edited by Asentrix
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It doesn't work for me :( I  can't make gifs longer than 6secs, so:


Even I "import" the picutres manually, it doesn't import :|





 add list to list(%pictures$get files("C:\\Users\\s0mekind\\Desktop\\TWT\\NEW FOLDER\\all.pics""Yes"), "Delete""Global")
    loop($list total(%pictures)) {
        change file field(<type=w"file">$next list item(%pictures))



EDIT: I've tried exactly as on the example, with "load html" and it's ok, it going to the next photo. But I'm still unable to upload on twitter...


EDIT2: I can't upload any type of photo, manually: http://i.gyazo.com/12beaa7d63bed8b242756b80612c569c.gif

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