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Hello again,


In regards to my last question (running external scripts) which i kinda solved, ..

I am now faced with a new issue,


So i got the external scripts to work no problems, but if im going to be selling bots to the public i would like the scripts that are being called to be encrypted,


It seems that there is a size limit when trying to run an encrypted script,


Ive tried decrypting and setting to a variable but i get the same result, .. nothing happens

and ive tried with smaller encrypted code and it works like a charm, so it got to be the size.


I can not split the external script in the chunks purely because each external script needs to run in its own browser

and discovered during testing that when you run an external script it will always begin in the main browser.




Ok so i have the details out of the way,


now to the question,


At first i was going to send the external scripts encrypted, then have my bot decrypt and execute them upon running the bot,

but i cant get it out of my head that some "curious" folk may browse to the bot folder when running, and there will be all my lovely code for them to read etc..


So, .. i was wondering if it is possible to host the UN-encrypted script on a server and have the bot call it from there ?

would it be safe ?

not something ive attempted before, but sounds good in theory




Anyone have any suggestions on how i can tackle this issue ?


Anything would be something :)




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As soon as stuff is executed locally it can be extracted. So you should not waste your time with a battle you can't win.
If people want to pirate your stuff, they will. No matter what you do. 

You should spend your time developing better bots and providing more features to your good customers. That will make you more money in the end.


But to answer your question. They only good way of protecting stuff is to run the stuff on your own server and only send the data back to the client. 
You can do that with the communication plugin:


Just my 2 cents


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As soon as stuff is executed locally it can be extracted. So you should not waste your time with a battle you can't win.

If people want to pirate your stuff, they will. No matter what you do. 

You should spend your time developing better bots and providing more features to your good customers. That will make you more money in the end.


But to answer your question. They only good way of protecting stuff is to run the stuff on your own server and only send the data back to the client. 

You can do that with the communication plugin:



Just my 2 cents


It is true that the best way to secure your software is to let some small tasks run remotly on a server. Don't make it heavy processes just something that would break the software otherwise but almost takes no load on your server.


This way you can validate the license on your server and execute task and return the response to the software. Ofcourse they could still emulate the response but it will be allot harder to make, then to just crack a authentication routine.


Let me know if you need any help on this issue with the Communication Plugin.

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