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Table Help For Beginner Needed

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im new to UBot and need Help:

I have an CSV with Logins and Passwords, seperated by comma.

I want to load the First row and split them in Account and Password.

Then he should go to row 1, but he doesnt make that. Here is my Code:

loop(5) {
    create table from file("C:\\Users\\Peter\\Desktop\\Accounts.csv",&Accounts)
    set table cell(&Accounts,#row,0,"")
    set(#Login,$table cell(&Accounts,0,0),"Global")
    set(#Password,$table cell(&Accounts,0,1),"Global")

Thanks for your Help

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You have quite a lot of "bugs" in your code.


1st: You are not initializing UBot variable #row, so it would most likely have a blank value.

2nd: You only need to load table once, therefore you shouldn't have it in a loop.

3rd: To pull login details you need to tell from which row, but you are always using row 0 (you have number zero hard-coded)

4th: You are always setting table column 0 to value "", meaning that #login variable would have the same value, "".


So here is the fixed code:

clear table(&Accounts)
create table from file("C:\\Users\\Peter\\Desktop\\Accounts.csv", &Accounts)
set(#row, 0, "Global")
loop(5) {
    set(#Login, $table cell(&Accounts, #row, 0), "Global")
    set(#Password, $table cell(&Accounts, #row, 1), "Global")

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You should see couple of videos before you start coding they are very good for practice you have them in your Account Dashboard,its very useful for beginners such as yourself.


Best Regards!

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