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[Buy] Youtube Commenter Coder Source Code

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Hi I would like to buy a youtube bot commenter source code, I need to be able to open a csv file for username,password,IP:Port, using the 3 columns as lists. I would also like to be able to open a comments file .txt. I would pay extra if you can make accounts comment in random. It needs to finish once the comments list is done. If anyone can provide this I would be grateful.

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I saw u here too http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/13514-private-proxy-format-conversion-in-ubot-studio/?p=97256
thats why i answer u...

what u try to do  is near imposible!
1. yt knows near all proxys, there blocked that proxys! (blocked in a way that u cant write vote comments or generate plays)
2. Many Proxys dont accept Flash
3 there is no working Bot at the moment who can do that for u.
4. Even there would, u would not like to pay that much for the sourcecode

YT and also G+ and some other G-Service are one of the best bot protected Webservices
so it is near impossible, like i know.
So best choice for u....forget your Idea if its around YT and G, u will lost a lot of time and at the end your bot will not work correct


greetz blumi

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:D  :D  :D


Yeah I'm always impressed about the fact that people think they can buy an individual and customized software product for the price of a regular application.



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