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I'm a newbie to ubot and to learn i'm developing a hotmail/outlook account creator bot


I've got almost everything working, but i'm unable to get a valid US Phone number, i've used 3 X $rand function with range 200-500 to generate a US phone number, but outlook.com keeps complaining


"The phone number you entered isn't valid in this country/region. Enter a different one.



Last genearted number was 440606559


I've even attached a screenshot of the same


Please guide





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If you need any numbers, I used these for outlook.


If I remember it strips out the brackets and hyphens when you paste it into the telephone field.


(844) 127-5143
(822) 916-8029
(833) 204-9498
(899) 388-0014
(899) 416-5603
(833) 104-2338
(833) 324-8139
(833) 176-2803
(855) 208-9026
(855) 204-5421
(811) 456-6852
(899) 282-1953
(855) 612-6488
(822) 922-3432
(811) 996-7588
(822) 709-7620
(855) 438-9175
(899) 985-4174
(899) 609-1979
(822) 784-4156
(822) 855-0211
(855) 967-1412
(899) 212-1918
(822) 031-2879
(822) 347-5698
(833) 658-0700
(811) 231-1508
(833) 498-3770
(899) 286-8745
(844) 033-7447
(844) 160-4192
(899) 981-3932
(855) 422-2457
(899) 646-6670
(822) 302-4955
(811) 471-3147
(833) 798-2462
(899) 187-8576
(811) 784-6305
(822) 771-9295
(899) 842-3043
(855) 310-9869
(833) 433-8386
(899) 680-9759
(833) 919-0632
(899) 420-2999
(844) 223-6107
(822) 877-6363
(844) 824-5575
(811) 952-9513
(822) 464-5613
(833) 902-3756
(833) 701-3762
(822) 256-7605
(899) 606-3108
(899) 114-8614
(844) 257-0297
(844) 442-1582
(855) 885-0941
(899) 568-1725
(833) 118-8982
(833) 429-0195
(811) 261-2839
(833) 772-1418
(833) 365-2587
(811) 060-1661
(811) 221-0517
(855) 894-3139
(844) 956-5345
(844) 155-8267
(844) 885-4037
(811) 212-4528
(844) 750-0954
(899) 199-4569
(844) 548-5764
(899) 864-3837
(833) 886-8419
(833) 099-6581
(899) 307-1612
(844) 877-7053
(811) 307-7273
(855) 630-1113
(833) 107-8292
(899) 698-7526
(811) 346-5108
(822) 389-5020
(855) 370-5726
(844) 251-8877
(855) 248-3460
(822) 503-6248
(899) 860-9553
(822) 212-3219
(822) 438-8661
(899) 011-9859
(822) 106-7593
(822) 061-3811
(844) 491-1522
(833) 345-2958
(899) 558-0528
(833) 909-8101
Edited by blacksabbath
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I'm working on a hotmail bot too, and I have the same exact problem. 


How can you confirm accounts with fake numbers?

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My bot is working, but facing one issue, looks like Pop3/imap are not working, any clue how to enable it, infact could not find any such option even after i logged in manually 

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