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problem scraping table to list

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I have a script that navigates to my phpmyadmin, logs in and displays a list of the databases under this user - there's 56 databases in this case.


The list of databases are displayed on the screen and I want to scrape that list into a list. HEre's what I've tried so far which hasn't worked:

clear list(%databases)
ui stat monitor("Number of databases:-", %databases)
click(<innertext="Databases">, "Left Click", "No")
add list to list(%databases, $scrape attribute(<class="name">, "outertext"), "Don\'t Delete", "Global")
save to file("C:path_to_my_file\\databases.txt", %databases)

I've also tried the innertext attribute as well.


When I add scrape_attribute to the list to scrape I select one of the databases in the list displayed on the screen. That populates the Element to scrape with <class="name">. Here are details of the HTML:


<td class="name">
        <a onclick="if (window.parent.openDb && window.parent.openDb('database_name')) return false;" href="index.php?token=ab9447187bc720f7ecd6a1022c9e5384&db=database_name" title="Jump to database "database_name"." target="_parent">

As you can see, it's the name class I want in order to get the database_names.


When I run this I was expecting to get a list of the 56 database names but I get nothing and when I added a stat monitor to track the database list, it is empty.


I am obviously doing something wrong. I appreciate it might be difficult for you without seeing the html page, but can anyone point me in the right direction - or suggest things to try?



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ui stat monitor("ff", #scrape)
click(<innertext="Databases">, "Left Click", "No")
set(#scrape, $scrape attribute(<href=w"index.php?token=*&db=*">, "innertext"), "Global")
save to file("C:\\Users\\Ken\\Desktop\\scrfa.txt", #scrape)


login to phpmyadmin. (my phpmyadmin looks like this http://screencast.com/t/SokWj40JsGzT)

run bot 

  • clicks databases
  • scrapes all database
  • saves to file


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