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Select Email Username and Password form Text

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Hi guys i have a list of 10 email and password in a txt file (username@hotmail.com,password)

the program must enter in a box a different mail whenever the bot restart the process:
Run>>>Type text: "select email in line1" >>>end process
Run>>>Type text: "select email in line2" >>>end process
Run>>>Type text: "select email in line3" >>>end process
Whenthe bot use all email the "loop" finish.
How do it?


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create table from file("Location of your file", &emails)
set(#row, 0, "Global")
loop($table total rows(&emails)) {
    set(#email, $table cell(&emails, #row, 0), "Global")
    set(#password, $table cell(&emails, #row, 1), "Global")


Something along those lines

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Thanks. By the way, whuch file is it that we're suppose to edit? smile2.png

If you mean 'Location of your file', it just means where ever your email/password file is (alternative, ui open file and set that variable in place of 'location of your file'). All this does is change it into a table and makes it where you can just enter your required actions per account (between last set command and increment row). 

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