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Hi Ubotters,


I want to use proxies in my bots. I will use change proxies and was wondering if proxy credentials are needed as well. I do not have a username, and no password for the proxies .


Is there a way to have ubot validate that the proxies are live and working?


Thank you

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nope you will not have to use proxy credentials unless you are using a private one that requires username and pass.


To validate if the proxie is live I would probably wait for the page to load and then scrape the url - then turn the url into a variable and if that url variable is true then consider it validated - where I would add it to another list of working proxies.

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Another option is to set up a web page (e.g. showip.php) that shows the client IP. setup the proxy and then navigate to showip.php and extract the IP and compare to your proxy IP. If you don't have your own page for this, you could use sites like whatismyip.org, etc

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