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How to round a calculation in UBot 4?

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In searching the forum I only found things that were clearly for much older versions.


So in UBot 4, how can we go about rounding a calculation?


My application: I'm posting links somewhere and it supports only 20 at a time. But I may have an arbitrary number to post, so I loop through the process of posting 20 links, but I need to know how many times to loop, up front. I can figure this out by taking X number of links, divided by 20. But now say I have 50 links, that's 2.5 times. I'm fine with just truncating down to only 2 times. I don't need to get every last link.


How can I round the result down?


Thanks all!

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Sample using javascript Math.ceil


set(#num1, 50, "Global")
set(#perpage, 20, "Global")
set(#loopit, $eval("var worknum = {#num1}/{#perpage};
worknumrnd = Math.ceil(worknum);
worknumrnd"), "Global")





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Sample code using Math.floor:

set(#num1, 50, "Global")
set(#perpage, 20, "Global")
set(#loopit, $eval("var worknum = {#num1}/{#perpage};
worknumrnd = Math.floor(worknum);
worknumrnd"), "Global")





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