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You can try Fiverr... gigbucks and some of the other sites like that. No need to do the work for $5... just say "I will work on a custom bot for you for 1 hours (or 30 minutes or whatever) for $5. Tell them to contact you first. Then, only take jobs for bots that you have already done and only require minor mods - or that you think will be popular and can do the same.


For similiar sites, check out: uhype.com, gighour.com, justafive.com, gigme5.com, i-will-do.com, gigswood.com, zeerk.com (if it's back), and others.


Once you get your basic bots down, you're charging $5 for 5 minutes of work.


Also check out:









There are many others

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  • 2 weeks later...

Super easy way to sell bots - shhhhh - this is a secret ;).


Talk to companies that work on the web and ask them what does their staff do, time and time again. You may be very surprised! If you see something that they do, ask how long it takes, how often it is done and then do some math.


If a job take 15 minutes and it'd done twice a week by someone who is paid $20 per hour, that's costing the company an easy $40 per month. Over 12 months or 1 year, it could cost the company almost $500. Tell them, hmmm, it's costing you $500 per year that you have to pay year after year. I'll build that bot for $500 and it will take your staff person 1 minute per week to run. You will easily break even in one year!


Believe it or not, it's normally a lot worse then that. One company had a procedure that took about 1 hour per day. The company was paying around $6,000 per year for this repetitive work to be done year after year. I sold the bot to them for around $4,000 and it took me less then a week to perfect it.


So what's the real secret? Get the customer before you built the bot! Too easy!



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