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Google Hurdles

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Hi all,


Today I noticed google's new homepage graphic - an interactive google game of hurdles.


So, I tried to create a bot to give me an "unfair" advantage. The problem though seems to be sending the keys to the browser.


Here's the code:


navigate("https://www.google.com/doodles/hurdles-2012", "Wait")
wait for element(<id="hplogo_pr">, "", "Appear")
click(<id="hplogo_pr">, "Left Click", "No")
loop(10) {
   type text(<id="hplogo_pr">, "\{LEFT\}", "Standard")
   type text(<id="hplogo_pr">, "\{RIGHT\}", "Standard")
   type text(<id="hplogo_pr">, "\{LEFT\}", "Standard")
   type text(<id="hplogo_pr">, "\{RIGHT\}", "Standard")
   type text(<id="hplogo_pr">, "\{SPACE\}", "Standard")


Any ideas to get this guy gold?

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I can get him to sprint, it's now the jumping part I have a problem with (space bar)


navigate("https://www.google.com/doodles/hurdles-2012", "Wait")
wait for element(<id="hplogo_pr">, "", "Appear")
click(<id="hplogo_pr">, "Left Click", "No")
click(<id="hplogo_pr">, "Left Click", "No")
loop(15) {
   click(<style="position: absolute; ">, "Left Click", "No")
loop(10) {
   type text(<style="position: absolute; ">, "\{SPACE\}", "Standard")

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Ok managed to get him to 12.2 secs


navigate("https://www.google.com/doodles/hurdles-2012", "Wait")
wait for element(<id="hplogo_pr">, "", "Appear")
click(<id="hplogo_pr">, "Left Click", "No")
click(<id="hplogo_pr">, "Left Click", "No")
loop(150) {
   click(<style="position: absolute; ">, "Left Mouse Down", "No")


ANY help on the jumping would be really appreciated :)

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It's getting ubot to actually do the pressing is where I'm falling down.


Both the Up arrow and Space bar will trigger the jump, but I cant program it in ubot.

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