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Use $multiply with a UI element to make an internal timer

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I created a bot that I needed to run every X number of hours, but how?


Here are the steps I used.


1. Create a UI TEXT BOX. (This step is optional)

The label is called HOURS and the Corresponding Variable is #hours.

This creates the UI element so you can type in a number to represent how many hours the bot will run for or loop.


2. Create a WAIT command.

In the Seconds to Wait field, drag or type the #hours Variable, then a space, then the * character (this means multiply), then 3600.

Note: Because I want the #hours Variable to represent hours of time, I multiply 60(seconds) and 60(minutes) to get 3600. So, it would look like #hours * 3600


When the bot runs, I type a number in the UI text field to represent the number of hours I want it to run or loop.

If I wanted to change the bot time to minutes, it would look like #minutes * 60 (60 seconds * the number value = minutes).


Attached is an example bot that does this.


So far, I'm really liking ubot and I hope to learn more from this forum and contribute when I can. Hope my little tutorial will help someone!


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