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Add item to list "Illegal characters in path"

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I have used the $Get Files command to pull back a list of file names from a folder.


What I am trying to do is add the content of a single file contained in the folder to a list.


However, the following code returns the error "illegal characters in path".


However the $read file is fine.



add item to list(%article titles, $get files("{$special folder("Application")}\\articles\\{#project name}\\", "No"), "Delete", "Global")

set(#current article, $next list item(%article titles), "Global")

add item to list(%current article content, $read file("{$special folder("Application")}\\articles\\{#project name}\\{#current article}"), "Delete", "Global")


Thanks for any help.

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Yes, that is what I thought, and I don't have any of there:


If I spell out the fields


$specialfolder (is the application folder) \ articles (is the folder) \ #project name (is the projectname set at the UI and is also the name of the folder where the articles are stored) \ #current article (is $next list item on a previously scraped $getfiles - Include path no).


So in theory where I have a folder called myfirstproject and two files 1.txt and 2.txt


I should get the following output from my Add item to list:




But instead I get a $read file error.


Is there a problem adding stuff to lists using the $read file command?

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Yes, that is what I thought, and I don't have any of there:


If I spell out the fields


$specialfolder (is the application folder) \ articles (is the folder) \ #project name (is the projectname set at the UI and is also the name of the folder where the articles are stored) \ #current article (is $next list item on a previously scraped $getfiles - Include path no).


So in theory where I have a folder called myfirstproject and two files 1.txt and 2.txt


I should get the following output from my Add item to list:




But instead I get a $read file error.


Is there a problem adding stuff to lists using the $read file command?



Up anyone can help?

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  • 1 year later...

It might be late to post a comment on this thread, but just in case other people having the same issue.

So I found out that you must save your file in ANSI encoding if you want to use file's content for directory path usage.


Somehow a strange invisible characters (?) appears on the very first part of the file content when you read a UTF-8 encoded it using $read file or $list from file functions. You can only see this characters using notepad++ with "Show all characters" option on. This will not be appear in other text editor (i.e. notepad).


I'm not sure if this is a bug, of a expected behavior for UTF-8 encoded file.


Hope it helps.

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