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Found 9 results

  1. Hello I am using thread spawn command but it uses same accounts in each thread. Here is my code:- ui open file("browse",#uiopen csv) ui stat monitor("Loop counter",#row) ui text box("Link",#websitelink) create table from file(#uiopen csv,&csvtable) set(#row,0,"Global") thread spawn($table total rows(&csvtable),5) { in new browser { allow images("No") navigate("#websitelink","Wait") wait for browser event("Everything Loaded",10) wait for element(<email field>,10,"Appear") type text(<email field>,$table cell(&csvtable,#row,0),"
  2. I am in need of some help here, big-time! I am utterly lost and bewildered, and I don't have a clue as to why this is so hard for me to grasp... I am having a huge problem in trying to figure out the logic, of how I should handle the list comparing behind a seemingly simple Twitter follow and unfollow structure. Please allow me to explain, and perhaps someone with experience can enlighten me to what I am doing wrong? I want to create a bot that goes to twitter, scrapes users to follow, follows them, then checks after a day or two who followed back, and unfollow those that don't follow back
  3. Hey Guys, I scraped a list that ended up pulling a full address and I want to parse end one of the line items to columns in a table (see attached picture), how do I do this? I tried 'add the list to table as column', but when I save it to a CSV and then open the file, only the first line ("Amf") of the whole address was saved. Looking to have each line go to a different column (Name, Address, phone #, etc.) Any idea? Probably an easy fix but I can't figure it out.
  4. I'm trying to figure out how to fill out forms using tables then looping through it.. I finally figured out how to use a list to do it but I need a separate list for each form field, I'm thinking a table would be better suited.
  5. Do I need to have Microsoft office in order to work with CSV or Tables? I downloaded OpenOffice and it doesn't seem to be compatible.
  6. Guys i have the weirdest issue i was updating my old bot anyway data looks solid and well formatted in Ubot Debugger(Check the picture attached) Issue 1 But when i open it with Excel my data looks jumbled this never happened before to me only things i changed is i added few plugins "Advanced Ubot" by pash and "HMA Commands" from T.J. But i i don't think any of these are the issue they have nothing to do with this error i think something changed inside Excel i don't know what sadly! I added the Details.csv that is what Ubot Outputs try to import it into excel ,i always did this normally
  7. Hello Ubotters, i am new here and Ubot please i am able to set my bot to loop through my table rows and it stops at the last row because i used "total table row" as the looping condition. What i want to achieve is to loop the table rows infinitely or a set number of times and not stop when the rows of data end? So that when it gets to the last row it will return back to the 1st row on next looping then goes on and on from first to last?
  8. Hi I'm having a hard time wrapping my brain around this one. Here's the problem, I have a large csv table file with about 1700 rows and maybe 50 columns and with a single row of labels as the column header at the top(row 0) that I want to convert to individual csv files (in this case it's about 34 files) with 50 rows of the content and the label on the first row. Once I make each file I will want to save it but I think I can figure that part out. Is there a way to do this in ubot? It seems like it should be able to but I'm not able to figure it out yet.
  9. Is there a way to set constants by name in a list or table like with normal coding? Essentually... UI Drop Down Example1 Example2 Example3 Example100 Variable Stored as tempVar Pull list Example1 = testing Example2 = sample Example3 = dog Example100 = cat Display value from list(tempVar)
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