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Found 3 results

  1. Hi I need a little tool programmed with Ubot, please let me know your pricing and when you can deliver. I also want the source code and I have full rights. 1) I specify the input folder 2) I specify the number of copies, eg 10 3) I press start button 4) Program takes all files in the specified folder and creates X duplicate versions of each file. So for example if the folder contains 5 files and I want 10 copies of each file then program creates 50 files. File naming is not important (eg just append a number to the existing file name or create a whole new file name). File extension must re
  2. Hi I am looking to hire a programmer to do a simple Ubot actually + create php script (No design or anything needed) Sadly I cant go higher as its my max budget Here is a simple explaination: In the PHP script admin can create level 2 users which can create projects. (Project name, website url etc,name) Once done, Level 2 user can adds usernames who are allowed to access the ubot. By adding Username script generates key for every level 1 user. Level 2 user then sends the keys to level 1 users himself . Ubot: Ubot bot connects to my server to check for project name and then username
  3. Hi I need a good Ubot user to make a bot for me. Please PM me. No time wasters. Thank you
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