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Found 4 results

  1. I am in a quandary about whether to buy the pro version or the developer version of Ubot. I would appreciate your thoughts about this. Ideally, I would like to be able to start off with the developer version, make some cash, and then reinvest in the pro version. However, I am concerned that if I buy the pro version that I will not be able to sell bots successfully because it has the Ubot label on it. I am learning Ubot but I have yet to actually get to the stage where I have anything that is anywhere near saleable, so going straight to the developer version is quite a risk. Please let
  2. http://gyazo.com/bdbab8a9e5366b2f1d58c5b510fddcf3.gif http://gyazo.com/aa8118564eae07e12ae68ecd8df7ca31.gif http://gyazo.com/5734cee6856877bbf0b7db4335638c3e.gif http://gyazo.com/bc083fce8b5252549ff61a0fd70025b9.gif http://gyazo.com/b86e4841f4b7a41107cd7ddd9650ae82.gif (The changing of the colors is due to the mouse hovering over the button or clicking it) Free UI Button Styles I am giving away 5 free UI button styles in celebration of my sales thread! These buttons will work for standard, professional, and developer editions of Ubot Studio! If you would like to use the styles, just d
  3. http://i.imgur.com/eWad2aw.jpg Are you sick of the plain old UI buttons? Would you like to impress potential buyers or clients? Do you have standard or pro edition, and feel limited by how much you can edit in the interface? If you answered "Yes", then you have come to the right place! Using CSS, I have stylized UI buttons to their fullest extent, and this can be seen in: GradientsColorsSpecial "On-Hover" GradientsText ShadowBox BackgroundRounded EdgesBox ShadowSpecial Text ColorsWhat are you buying? You are buying 6 CSS styles that can be implemented into Ubot Studio to st
  4. As we know we can use the UI Stat monitor in Ubot Pro with <style> and <script> We can however just style the default elements inside ubot with there native CSS classes. This would be a nice way to sell you bots with you ubot affiliate link inside the console just below the ubot branding... just a thought Just to help the pro users makes things a little prettier... Some Very Awesome Themes Are Commming Your Way PURE CSS..... Native to UBOT... Of course it possible with jquery as well...
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