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Found 3 results

  1. Hi guys, While compiling bots with the installer in developer edition is producing a huge file about 80MBs. Is there anything we can do to reduce the output file size??? It is very necessary for me to have less than 50MB files... Any help will be highly appreciated Thanks in advance. Zikria Akbar
  2. Hey Everyone, I'm in the process of selling a compiled bot to the general consumer market and as I'm going over the last minute nuts and bolts I've come across the option of code signing my bots when they install. I read about the benefits here. From Symantec: So here's two questions I'm hoping UBotters will consider weighing in on: 1) By digitally signing your compiled bots (the application itself and the installer) would that mean there would be LESS issues with Norton Anti-Virus and Windows 10 security for customers? 2) Is this overkill or does it really build that extra level of
  3. Please consider this thread closed, but for your information, please read my final reply below -------------------------------------------Below is my original post------------------------------------------- I wrote my first bot and it is working great. When I complile it I get the message that it compiled successfully. When I try to run the compiled install program I am told that I am missing all of the DLLs that go with browser.exe I went back and specifically included all of those DLLs in my compile and still got the same 30 or 40 missing dll messages I am a professional programm
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