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Found 4 results

  1. Hey :-) I got a really weired problem... Since years i run my compiled bots on VirtualMachines without problems. Then after updating to ubot studio x i got the first problems : not a single compiled bot is loading on a VM - they are always stuck in the loading process (see screenshot1) But the bots compiled with the "older" version of ubot studio 5.9 were working at that time BUT NOW, from one day to another, neither the old bot nor the "new" bots are opening at all They are not even showing up on the display - they are only visible in the task manager - stuck at the loading process(see scre
  2. Hey Everyone, I'm in the process of selling a compiled bot to the general consumer market and as I'm going over the last minute nuts and bolts I've come across the option of code signing my bots when they install. I read about the benefits here. From Symantec: So here's two questions I'm hoping UBotters will consider weighing in on: 1) By digitally signing your compiled bots (the application itself and the installer) would that mean there would be LESS issues with Norton Anti-Virus and Windows 10 security for customers? 2) Is this overkill or does it really build that extra level of
  3. I know that I have seen something on this before but am having a lot of difficulty finding it in the forums for some reason. So I apologize if it is redundant. For the plugin .DLL files my distributed, compiled bots need in order to work; can I place them in a folder, that is located in the same directory as the bot? Or does this make them "invisible" to the bot since the .DLLs are in a folder? I know that in v5 you can bundle them in the compile, but v5 is so not ready for distributing bots with. I just want to make it cleaner for my customers. Thank you
  4. Does anyone know what the latest minimum system requirements are for compiled bots? I wanted to post on my websites bot FAQs and I wanted to make sure I got it right.
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