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Found 5 results

  1. Ubotplugin.com End of Business Good day Ubot community. Over the last 9 years I invested a lot of time in developing the plugins. I hope that it was of good use for all of you. Only in the last months you did not hear much from me anymore. This has some reasons: Because of inevitable personal and health reasons I am no longer able to sell and provide plugins or to work on the code anymore. The license servers run out of payment in the end. Sorry for the inconvenience. My plugins (Ubotplugin.com) have reached the products end of life cycle with me now. Ubotplugin.com will become
  2. Ubotplugin.com End of Business Good day Ubot community. Over the last 9 years I invested a lot of time in developing the plugins. I hope that it was of good use for all of you. Only in the last months you did not hear much from me anymore. This has some reasons: Because of inevitable personal and health reasons I am no longer able to sell and provide plugins or to work on the code anymore. The license servers run out of payment in the end. Sorry for the inconvenience. My plugins (Ubotplugin.com) have reached the products end of life cycle with me now. Ubotplugin.com will become
  3. Ubotplugin.com End of Business Good day Ubot community. Over the last 9 years I invested a lot of time in developing the plugins. I hope that it was of good use for all of you. Only in the last months you did not hear much from me anymore. This has some reasons: Because of inevitable personal and health reasons I am no longer able to sell and provide plugins or to work on the code anymore. The license servers run out of payment in the end. Sorry for the inconvenience. My plugins (Ubotplugin.com) have reached the products end of life cycle with me now. Ubotplugin.com will become
  4. I have no idea how to mulithread wtih Aymen's plugin! I've got $http post and $http get down, and it would help me a lot if I could multithread my bots. Does anyone know of any tutorial threads out there? I tried searching, but I didn't find any for Aymen's http plugin. If you don't have an idea, do you have a bot that you could share the layout of? Paste the code or something so the structure can be seen. Thank you If I learn, i'll do my best to share another tutorial
  5. Introducing The Advanced Google Multi Keyword Instant Live Keyword Scraper Dominator http://tweetz.us/googlesugestionscraper2.JPG http://tweetz.us/snapshot(18).png http://tweetz.us/snapshot(16).png http://tweetz.us/snapshot(20).png http://tweetz.us/snapshot(17).png http://tweetz.us/snapshot(21).png Google Knows Which Keywords Get Searched Most Often! So Use That Information To Your Advantage, Make Every Page you build count by knowing which keywords are already getting the most Live Realtime "Instant" Searches On Google, related to your Niche. Our Google Related Keyword Scraper applic
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