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Everything posted by eeellama

  1. Thanks. That does put a static arrow into the top pane. Can you think of a way for it to insert an arrow on a layer above and next to a text box already showing on a screen? If I were coding this type of thing straight, it would be in an absolutely positioned div with a higher z-index than anything else on the screen. I can't find a way to inject a whole block of HTML into the code (nor can I seem to load javascript frameworks and css to make it "pretty"). There has to be a way.
  2. I think it could be done with something like jquery and bootstrap, and then inserting code at specific places so you could have fancy arrows and dialog boxes appear where you want them. The problems I'm having with this approach are that UBot doesn't seem to handle external scripts--and copying pasting those scripts into the Javascript elements does not seem to get me the desired result for reasons I'm unclear about, and I don't seem to be able insert extra html tags (divs I could hide/show for example) into the page. My use case is to try and create step by step tutorials rather than what
  3. Does anyone know if it is possible for UBot Studio to display arrows or callouts on top the screen to give a user direction on what to do next? For example, let's say you wanted an arrow with "Enter your name" in it, pointing to a text input field. Could that be done?
  4. Does anyone know if it is possible for uBot to detect user interaction with a web page? Let's say that we have a script that we're waiting for the user to click in a drop-down (or some other control) and make a selection. Is it possible to "see" that and store their choice in a variable?
  5. Close, but what if I need to run the bot to run with the user's local copy of Internet Explorer?
  6. Does anyone know if it is possible to use uBot to script actions on a user's local browser instead of uBot's? I'm thinking of something along the lines of how some of the other web automation tools work (without naming them) as a browser plug-in to IE. I would really like to be able to "take over" the user's own browser by having them click a button after they've performed some steps on their own. Is this possible?
  7. I'm working OK on 5, but looks like the uBot 4 folks are still having trouble.
  8. Today I'm getting "Unable to connect to license server. The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error. Anyone else?
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