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Everything posted by thrall

  1. I ended up going with what I have attached. Combination of all your advice and I also saw it in ubot tutorial 6, 14 minutes 24 seconds into the video. Seth had what I needed in the background. He doesn't seem to talk about it but has it on the screen. funny. I didn't need to check if its nil. I tried adding that and it just made the code more complicated and it works without it. Thanks though. Now onto text box with spin.
  2. I am trying to set my bot up to check a check box only if my checkbox UI is checked. So the bot would see if the UI checkbox is checked and if it is it would check the box on the page. I can get my bot to select the box just fine so I just need to implement a statement to check if the UI box is checked. I have tried an IF THEN ELSE statement but I'm not positive on how to get it to work. My idea is a simple statement to check the variable value (if its checked or not, 1 or 0, right?) I tried eval and that didn't work. I checked tutorials and I can't seem to find the answer. also a ques
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