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About soleada

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  1. Hi, Is there anyone who can just do the A records for the Godaddy Registrar? I don't need it for Netfirms. Thank you!
  2. Hi, Are you still offering your services?
  3. Hi, No, the subdomain file will work w/many diff tld (so if there's ten subs, there's ten different tlds). I'll clarify the csv file better: sale.gymshop.com | gymshop.com| 123.900.0013 blog.healthnut.org | healthnut.org| 656.333.6652 sale.snowskis.com | snowskis.com| 983.234.1445 The "A|B" that I had up above the csv file in the original post is supposed to represent the Column names that are shown in a csv/excel doc but it just didn't line up correctly once I published my post. Sorry for the confusion there. The person who wrote the imacro had it set up so that the subdomain is li
  4. I would be adding A records. Yeah, it's pretty straightforward. I tried attaching a couple of example csvs that my imacros read off of, one to change the tld A records, the other to add subs and change the subs' A records. I can't seem to attach them but can e-mail them...or just type them out below These are both for the Godaddy interface, not netfirms. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Csv 1 - Godaddy/add A records to TLD *When the post is published, the "columns" aren't lined up but you get the point. A | B 1)domain.info
  5. Thanks for the reply! The records will vary from day to day, depending on how I update the csv file. I have an imacro that adds subs and changes the A records of my TLDs registered on Godaddy. I did have an imacro that would change the A records of the tlds but unfortunately I'm having an issue w/it as it won't loop. For the Godaddy subs imacro, the imacro reads off a 3-column csv file. Column A is the list of subdomains and column B corresponds to its tld domains and column C is the list of IP addresses correspond to each. So basically I want something similar using Ubot and this would b
  6. Hi, Looking for a Ubot programmer to set up some bots for changing the A records of domains over at Godaddy and one for creating A records for subdomains registered over at Netfirms. Please PM price. Thanks!
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