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Everything posted by tessel

  1. /me watches his Ubot browser crash again and hopes for a release soon
  2. Yeah, wasn't memory. Problem? I got rid of open in new browswer/shared browser and problem fixed.
  3. A little bot I made runs fine on my home PC but gets bloody browser crash errors on a VPS running Windows Server 2008 R2 with 2 Gigs of RAM. I've updated it with all the latest patches and it just seems to randomly crash. Any hints/suggestions to getting bots running on Windows VPS machines? I am using UBot 5. Do I need older versions of .net or? Any help appreciated.
  4. Unfortunately the "common knowledge" tip does not work, and I was aware of that trick, but thanks for it anyway. The popup cannot be navigated to, as it is a dynamic link that generates a code that matches some cookie or something that is dropped which stores the comment to be posted.
  5. Thanks for that "common knowledge" tip.
  6. Seriously, no-one seen a popup like that before? Or is that just the obvious sign that popups on that site don't work?
  7. Anyway around this? I tried changing the browser user agent but still no go. Works fine in a "normal" browser, but the popup does not display properly in Ubot. Anyone see this before with popups? Nothing shows and neither can anything be "clicked". http://www.upl.co/uploads/popuperror.png Tried to upload but kept getting an error.
  8. JohnB, there's another thread on this site that details how to use math.ceil to break a list up for thread use. I'll try to find it and post it here. Basically, when I tried to do the same command setup in Ubot 4, it didn't work. I am obviously trying to use the Math.ceil java command or whatever it is incorrectly in version 4.
  9. There was a thread on here about using Math.ceil in Ubot 3 to manages lists and break them into x number of files for however many threads you had. Can someone please provide an example of how to use Math.ceil in a similar fashion in Ubot 4? I can't get it to work :| And I know the problem is me Thanks!
  10. Tommy, how about the bot that turns my computer into an ATM ? Sorry, just playing...
  11. This worked for me. I am sure someone can do a better job, I am the hack and slash as long as it works kind of guy
  12. @johnscotland, I understand where you are coming from. Part of how useful uBot is depends on your ability to program/code and also how much you understand about how websites/html/etc is laid out and how forms/submit buttons all function. I've said this in another post but the way uBot is marketed is that you can do anything with it and no programming knowledge is required. Of course people should do their homework and be aware that this isn't the case, but the complete lack of any kind of organized and up-to-date user manual/guide complicates this issue further. Having things organized wou
  13. Good luck with this. Xroxy isn't worth the trouble and I think you'll have to go with someone like packetflip or some other company that maintains and can guarantee reliability. Finding a proxy supplier that is reliable and has IPs that don't go up and down is difficult to do. Proxybonaza work as well but these are shared services and god knows how slow they'll end up being. Why doesn't Ubot studio just setup their own servers so then they know the quality of the IPs and they will be able to at least guarantee much more stability and speed than they would go through a middleman?
  14. Don't click it. Open it in a sub window or just navigate to it.
  15. Same problem here. Questions like what is 5+4? come back with "what?" or "no see" or "zeei" depending on who is doing the data entry. I think I'll stop using decaptcher.
  16. Yup, noticed this as well. Time to makes some changes...
  17. Anyone provide some insight on how to wait for a page to load that contains iframes? It seems that the "wait for" command won't recognize text in iframes (when I select wait for, the text I am looking for is not displayed, I need to right click in the iframe and try wait for again to pick it up but this won't work without user interaction selecting the text first), so is there anyway to change focus so that uBot knows where to look/wait for? I've tried some iframename.focus(); javascript command but didn't get very far as the "wait for" just keeps on waiting and can never seem to spot the te
  18. This is very reasonable. If anyone here has tried to build a similar bot then you will know how time consuming and how troublesome some sites can be. The hours alone it would take you to build something like this from scratch would be worth way more than the price he is asking.
  19. This is not a good solution, but could you wait for finish then run a loop/condition statement that would check to see if the plugin is already installed or not? By this I mean once a plugin is installed is the option to install it disabled or does it already show up somewhere else on the site showing that it is already installed? Not the best solution I know, but you raise a good point and I've wanted some other kind of "wait" options myself.
  20. Thank you for the original post. Others may have also found it but you can "toggle" the editor on and off in a similar way using the following javascript: tinyMCE.execCommand('mceToggleEditor',false,'mceContentBody'); Why do this? Because I found some websites that behave badly if you use the removecontrol. So I just toggle the editor off, paste what I need, toggle the editor back on using the same command and then all is good.
  21. gilad, still wet behind the ears myself and very new to Ubot but did you try or is it possible to scrape the links you need to click to a list and then process the list clicking on them as it goes through the list? I could be completely wrong as I am not a programmer (nightmares from doing Java classes at uni many years ago). If that won't work, is it possible to use some kind of "while" statement?
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