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Everything posted by gilad

  1. Thanks, That's actually what I did, yet it seems it's unable to click or continue the flow once the popup shows. I'm attaching a snapshot of the relevant part of my code. Any feedback would be highly appreciated. http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/5274/floww.jpg
  2. Thanks for your advice Alcr! I just tried it but the save/run/cancel popup seems to stop the flow execution all together (modal state window). Do you have any ubot source file I can peek into to see how you overcome this?
  3. Hi, I've seen "click dialog button" and tried it but it seems that the Save/Run/Cancel box is somewhat modal, hence the script doesn't click the button (I've put "Save" as the text to search and click. Is there any example out there you can recommend I take a look at to learn how to operate the save/run/cancel popup box?
  4. Sorry to bring this subject back up but I am trying to do the same on a download link on ShareASale. Seems that if I save the link to file, it saves the php itself. They must have something that either protects from hot linking or redirects to the real download when you click on the "download" button. Is there a way to tell uBot to "save" the file when the "Save/open/cancel) pop up comes up from IE?
  5. Hi, /auto works via cmd shell but running the same command via Windows task scheduler seems to fail. I'll maybe try to wrap it in an AutoIt script to bypass that I guess... Any idea if /auto will work on compiled bots too?
  6. Hi, I did read and try out the advice given here: http://ubotug.com/index.php?/topic/2672-auto-start But seems the "Tab" and "enter" on the AutoIt script doesn't do the trick with the new Ubot files (tab is stuck on the top tabs only). Also tried the /auto but for some reason it works from Command shell but not from my task scheduler (Windows server 2008 R2). Any advice on how to autostart a bot? Even better, a pre-compiled bot?
  7. Your a life saver John, Thanks! I've studied the code and I see what I was missing (the /* part). Thank you so much for sharing!
  8. Hi and thanks for the replies. That won't work in this case as the "follow" button all have the same href and use Jquery to somehow AJAX submit the follow command. That means I must find someway to loop on all buttons on the screen and "click" them. Any suggestion?
  9. Hi, I love UBot yet am still struggling to learn it. As an exercise I'm building a simple twitter friend adder bot. I managed to get through the input, login, keyword search parts but I can't figure out, one I'm on a friend search results page, how do I loop over all "follow this x" buttons on the page? I can choose them by attribute, but "click chosen" only clicks the first one. Twitter is using some jQuery to do the ajax friend adding but I think it shouldn't be an issue. The attribute I choose from is a outer html, looking for a wildcard on: <BUTTON class=btn title="" type=submit valu
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