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Posts posted by Arul

  1. I would use it to preload saved user settings.


    Keep a settings.txt file. When the onload sub runs, it pulls the previously used settings from the file and fills in the proper UI HTML fields.


    Another feature, I requested in enhancements was the ability to run subs from the UI HTML panel.


    So a user could click on "Save Settings" in the UI HTML panel, that would then run a sub to write the current UI HTML panel settings into the settings.txt file.


    This saves the end user from having to repopulate 10-20 textboxes and checkboxes every time they run the bot.


    The whole idea of a bot could be used maliciously. It's the programmer that's responsible.


    This can already be down using the current commands in Ubot


    Use UI button, Create a table for the options, save the file as settings.csv


    Load the .CSV file. Then code the bot to accept the info from either local file or text boxes

  2. I am trying to get data from a file. For that I used the UI Open File command and everything works fine.


    But when a user forgets file which means the variable is empty then the script goes into error. So I used a If statement with comparison parameter.


    If #variable=$false then stop script.


    But I want the bot again go to the first step which is the UI Open file command and then stop script. How do I do it ?

  3. Xrumer 7.0.10 still doesnt break the new recaptcha but apart from that it can break pretty much anything. Its nearly 300,000 Text captcha in their library :) /


    Its like best of both worlds.. The power of Xrumer's Captcha AI and flexibility of automation software's like UBOT :)


    Modding Xrumer is so much more difficult compared to UBOT


    Thanks Man Great Add!!


    What is your Username in botmaster forum ?

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